
时间:2014-05-02 20:30:46

标签: java multithreading

场景 - 尝试使用sleep()interrupt()获得结果;哪一个 本来是由wait()notifyAll()


问题 - 我知道这种方式不是首选。你们能告诉我这样做有什么不妥吗? 场景。

一个原因是 notifyAll()通知所有寻找该对象锁定的线程。但是interrupt() 我们明确地在每个等待的线程上有调用中断。

其他原因是不同的线程无法更改对象状态。这里是初始线程本身 food=true抓住InterruptedException。但那有什么问题?

 * Objective of this program:
 * I was thinking, why can't we achieve the guarded block with Sleep and Interrupt,
 * why only with wait and notify..
 * Wait releases lock; while Sleep does not . But both suspend the execution. 
 * So if you are synchronizing on the object, then we cannot have the second thread
 * to modify the object state due the lock on the object, and the second thread cannot acquire it.
 * So I did a explicit interrupt on the first thread.
 * One person ask if he has something to eat polling the "food" variable.
 * Another person updates the shared variable food.
 * food = true means the first person can start eating. food = false means he
 * has to wait and poll the value until food is available(food = true). This is
 * not a producer-consumer problem.

public class _17GuardedBlockWithSleep_Interrupt_Badcase {

    static class Person {

        volatile boolean food;

        public boolean isFood() {
            return food;

        public void setFood(boolean food) {
   = food;

        String name;

        Person(String name) {
   = name;

         * Sloppy/Bad way of implementation making it pause execution until it
         * gets interrupted. An interruption alone does not mean food is
         * available. May be interrupt was called by someone else who does not
         * provide food. So check the condition too.
         * Through sleep(), the execution is paused. CPU is free to take other
         * tasks, The lock on object is NOT released so other threads CANNOT
         * acquire the lock on the object.

        // Guarded Block
        public synchronized void eatFood() {
            while (!isFood()) {
                // food is currently unavailable. I'm waiting..
                try {
                     * Ideally we do wait() and notifyAll() in such a scenario. I am
                     * trying with Sleep and Interrupt.
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    this.setFood(true);// it's not some other thread that provide food. it's itself!
                    System.out.println("eatFood() caught InterruptedException");
                    // e.printStackTrace();
            // if control comes here, then it means food is available
            System.out.println("got the food.. yummyy..thanks!");

        public synchronized void provideFood(Thread t) {
            this.setFood(true); // this refers to current object. In this case, the
                                        // 'kuttappan' object
            // interrupt the first thread


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final Person kuttappan = new Person("Kuttappan");

        Runnable runnable1 = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                 * if kuttappan is not already defined as final, you get an error
                 * "Cannot refer to a non-final variable kuttappan inside an inner class defined in a different method"
                 * thread will try to acquire the lock on 'kuttappan' object when it
                 * invokes the synchronized method.
        final Thread t = new Thread(runnable1, "thread1");

        // someone is needed to make the food available for kuttappan.

        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(5000); // 5 seconds
                    t.interrupt(); // MY IMPORTANT LINE
                    // kuttappan.provideFood(t);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

 * Observe the line commented as "MY IMPORTANT LINE"
 * If you do 'kuttappan.provideFood(t);' then the program Keeps on running. no
 * output, because
 * The second thread cannot get into provideFood() of kuttappan object because
 * the first thread has not released the lock on the object!
 * But if you do t.interrupt(); the thread is interrupted and the program
 * behaves as expected.

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

从这里开始:Difference between wait() and sleep()

"睡一个Thread 释放它所持有的锁,等待释放对wait()被调用的对象的锁定。&#34 ;


看来即使你打电话给t.interrupt(),第一个线程也会看到没有任何食物,所以它会再次入睡。我很可能会错误地解释这个... 正在努力...


答案 1 :(得分:1)


答案 2 :(得分:1)


如果您使用wait() / notify(),则不需要线程相互了解,您只需要一个同步点 - 您等待/通知的对象。您也可以使用任意数量的线程共享此对象。所以最后生产者线程并不关心究竟是谁在等待资源,它只需要发送资源可用的信号。