
时间:2014-05-02 18:36:41

标签: vhdl state-machine fsm case-when


 type SM_STATES is (state_column_1, scan_col_1, state_column_2, scan_col_2,
                          state_column_3, scan_col_3);
 signal my_state     : SM_STATES                   := state_column_1;


scanner_sm : process (clk)
begin  -- process key_scanner
  if clk'event and clk = '1' then

  if state_inc = '1' then -- clock divider finished counting down 100000

    -- reset scan_complete
    scan_complete <= '0';

case my_state is

  when state_column_1 =>
    scanned_val  <= (others => '0');
    original_col   <= "110";
    my_state <= scan_col_1;

  when scan_col_1 =>
    case bcd_val is
      when "1110" => scanned_val <= "1100100";  -- 1 wrong
      when "1101" => scanned_val <= "1100010";  -- 2 wrong
      when others => scanned_val <= "0010000";
    end case;
    my_state <= state_column_2;

  when state_column_2 =>
    original_col   <= "011";
    my_state <= scan_col_2;

  when scan_col_2 =>
    case bcd_val is
      when "1110" => scanned_val <= "1011011";  -- 5 wrong
      when "1101" => scanned_val <= "1011111";  -- 6 wrong
      when others => scanned_val <= "0000000";
    end case;
    my_state <= state_column_3;

  when state_column_3 =>
    original_col   <= "101";
    my_state <= scan_col_3;

  when scan_col_3 => -- Reading S1 // The only working state
    case bcd_val is
      when "1110" => scanned_val <= "1100000";  -- 9/ 1
      when "1101" => scanned_val <= "0111110";  -- X/ 2
      when others => scanned_val <= "0000000";
    end case;
    my_state <= state_column_1; -- ************ Error might be here
    scan_complete <= '1'; -- ********** Error might be here

  when others => scanned_val <= "0000000";
end case;

      end if;
  end if;
end process scanner_sm;

debounce: process (CLK) is 
 if (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then  
  Q0 <= scannel_val; 

  Q1 <= Q0; 

  Q2 <= Q1; 

 end if; 

end process; 

Final_val <= Q0 and Q1 and (not Q2);

end Behavioral; 

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

到目前为止,您的代码不完整 - 您可以在案例陈述中直接分配由状态机评估的信号 my_state 。要理解这个问题,我们需要知道模拟器是如何工作的:

与实际硬件相比,模拟器必须在顺序事务中使用顺序CPU处理代码。这是通过在无限小的时间距离内反复遍历代码 - 所谓的Delta delay - 直到所有依赖关系都已解决,即不再发生任何变化。

请注意,在此迭代期间没有经过实际时间。在正确编写的设计中,模拟器现在等待直到下一个事件发生 - 通常是由时钟的滴答引起的,这再次重启了连续的迭代。

你的例子基本上类似于无限循环: my_state 的更改总是导致my_state的下一次更改,因此模拟器永远不会达到一个值 - 直到它达到硬编码的迭代限制,这是偶然的在你的情况下是第三个州。


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity foo is

end entity foo;

architecture bar of foo is
  type SM_STATES is (state_column_1, scan_col_1, state_column_2, scan_col_2, state_column_3, scan_col_3);
  signal my_state, my_state_next : SM_STATES;
  signal bcd_val                 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1110";
  signal clk                     : std_logic                    := '1';
  signal nRST                    : std_logic                    := '0';
  signal scanned_val             : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
  signal original_col            : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
  signal scan_complete           : std_logic;
begin  -- architecture bar

  comb : process (my_state, bcd_val) is
  begin  -- process baz
    case my_state is

      when state_column_1 =>
        scanned_val   <= (others => '0');
        original_col  <= "110";
        my_state_next <= scan_col_1;

      when scan_col_1 =>
        case bcd_val is
          when "1110" => scanned_val <= "1100100";  -- 1 wrong
          when "1101" => scanned_val <= "1100010";  -- 2 wrong
          when others => scanned_val <= "0010000";
        end case;
        my_state_next <= state_column_2;

      when state_column_2 =>
        original_col  <= "011";
        my_state_next <= scan_col_2;

      when scan_col_2 =>
        case bcd_val is
          when "1110" => scanned_val <= "1011011";  -- 5 wrong
          when "1101" => scanned_val <= "1011111";  -- 6 wrong
          when others => scanned_val <= "0000000";
        end case;
        my_state_next <= state_column_3;

      when state_column_3 =>
        original_col  <= "101";
        my_state_next <= scan_col_3;

      when scan_col_3 =>                -- Reading S1 // The only working state
        case bcd_val is
          when "1110" => scanned_val <= "1100000";  -- 9/ 1
          when "1101" => scanned_val <= "0111110";  -- X/ 2
          when others => scanned_val <= "0000000";
        end case;
        my_state_next <= state_column_1;  -- ************ Error might be here
        scan_complete <= '1';           -- ********** Error might be here

      when others => scanned_val <= "0000000";
    end case;
  end process comb;

  process (clk, nRST) is
  begin  -- process
    if nRST = '0' then                  -- asynchronous reset (active low)
      my_state <= state_column_1;
    elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
      my_state <= my_state_next;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- this clock and reset signal would usually be supplied from the outside
  clk  <= not clk after 10 ns;
  nRST <= '1'     after 101 ns;
end architecture bar;


Simulation of the fixed code.

答案 1 :(得分:1)



library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity foo is

end entity foo;

architecture fum of foo is

    type SM_STATES is ( 
        state_column_1, scan_col_1, 
        state_column_2, scan_col_2, 
        state_column_3, scan_col_3

    signal my_state:        SM_STATES;  -- defaults to SM_STATES'LEFT

    signal state_inc:       std_logic := '0';

    signal bcd_val:         std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1110";
    signal clk:             std_logic := '0';

    signal scanned_val:     std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
    signal original_col:    std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    signal scan_complete:   std_logic;


    process (clk)
        if clk'event and clk = '1' then

            if state_inc = '1' then

                scan_complete <= '0';

                case my_state is

                    when state_column_1 =>
                        scanned_val  <= (others => '0');
                        original_col   <= "110";
                        my_state <= scan_col_1;

                    when scan_col_1 =>
                        case bcd_val is
                            when "1110" => scanned_val <= "1100100";  -- 1 wrong
                            when "1101" => scanned_val <= "1100010";  -- 2 wrong
                            when others => scanned_val <= "0010000";
                        end case;
                        my_state <= state_column_2;

                    when state_column_2 =>
                        original_col   <= "011";
                        my_state <= scan_col_2;

                    when scan_col_2 =>
                        case bcd_val is
                            when "1110" => scanned_val <= "1011011";  -- 5 wrong
                            when "1101" => scanned_val <= "1011111";  -- 6 wrong
                            when others => scanned_val <= "0000000";
                        end case;
                        my_state <= state_column_3;

                    when state_column_3 =>
                        original_col   <= "101";
                        my_state <= scan_col_3;

                    when scan_col_3 => -- Reading S1 // The only working state
                        case bcd_val is
                            when "1110" => scanned_val <= "1100000";  -- 9/ 1
                            when "1101" => scanned_val <= "0111110";  -- X/ 2
                            when others => scanned_val <= "0000000";
                        end case;
                        my_state <= state_column_1; -- ************ Error might be here
                        scan_complete <= '1'; -- ********** Error might be here

                    when others => scanned_val <= "0000000";
                end case;

          end if;
      end if;
    end process scanner_sm;

       wait for 10 ns;
       clk <= not clk;
       if Now > 200 ns then
       end if;
    end process;

        wait for 30 ns;
        state_inc <= '1';
    end process;

end architecture;



foo_tb waveform



除了没有重置之外,你的状态机没有任何明显的错误, 问题似乎出现在其他地方或与状态边界操作有关,阻止了state_inc的发生。 < /强>

我希望您可能需要一个额外的状态来完成信号扫描并开始下一次扫描,否则任何state_inc仍然有效会导致下一轮状态转换。 (在scan_col3和state_column_1之间,与你的评论保持一致&#34; ************错误可能在这里&#34;)。

添加重置和仅持续一个时钟的附加状态(名称 - 完成?)可以通过以下方式完成:

 if state_inc = '1' or my_state = complete then


  if state_inc = '1' then


