对于ExtJS View Component来说,拥有自己的私有控制器的好方法是什么?

时间:2014-05-01 16:16:46

标签: extjs extjs4 extjs-mvc

我有一些共享某些自定义视图组件的ExtJS 4 MVC应用程序。共享组件具有自己的命名空间,并且通常足够复杂(例如,必须管理的大型后代组件树),它保证自己的控制器。我想要这个特定于组件的控制器'要在组件内正确封装(私有)(即组件外部的任何内容都不必知道或关心组件正在使用嵌入式控制器)。当然,应用程序应该可以拥有组件的多个实例(每个实例都封装其组件控制器的单独实例)。

为此,我开发了以下mixin(此版本适用于ExtJS 4.1),但我很想知道是否有人更优雅地解决了同样的问题:

 * A mixin that provides 'controller' style facilities to view components.
 * This is for 'view' components that also serve as the 'controller' for the component. 
 * In such situations where an embedded controller is required we would have preferred to use a separate 
 * Ext.app.Controller derived controller but it looks like Ext.app.Controllers are global things,
 * i.e. their refs can't be scoped to within the component (allowing multiple instances on the component to be used,
 * each with their own controller each with its own set of refs).
 * Usage:
 *   - Declare a 'refs' config just as in an Ext.app.Controller.
 *   - Call this.setupControllerRefs() from your initComponent() template function.
 *   - Call this.control(String/Object selectors, Object listeners) just as you would in a Ext.app.Controller.init()
 *     template function.
 *   - Any events fired from within a Window need special treatment, because Ext creates Windows as floated 
 *     (top-level) components, so our usual selector scoping technique doesn't work. The trick is to give each Window
 *     an itemId prefixed with this component's itemId, e.g. itemId: me.itemId + '-lookup-window'
 *     Then, in the 'this.control({...})' block, define selectors as necessary that begin with "#{thisItemId}-", e.g. 
 *     '#{thisItemId}-lookup-window aux-filter-criteria': ...
 * It is also recommended to keep the 'view' aspect of the component minimal. If there is a significant proportion of
 * view code, push it down into a new component class. Ideally, the component/controller should be just a Container.
Ext.define('Acme.CmpController', {

  setupControllerRefs: function() {
    var me = this,
      refs = me.refs;

    // Copied from Ext.app.Controller.ref
    refs = Ext.Array.from(refs);
    Ext.Array.each(refs, function(info) {
        var ref = info.ref,
            fn = 'get' + Ext.String.capitalize(ref);
        if (!me[fn]) {
            me[fn] = Ext.Function.pass(me.getRef, [ref, info], me);
  /** @private  (copied from Ext.app.Controller.ref) */
  getRef: function(ref, info, config) {
      this.refCache = this.refCache || {};
      info = info || {};
      config = config || {};

      Ext.apply(info, config);

      if (info.forceCreate) {
          return Ext.ComponentManager.create(info, 'component');

      var me = this,
          selector = info.selector,
          cached = me.refCache[ref];

      if (!cached) {
          //me.refCache[ref] = cached = Ext.ComponentQuery.query(info.selector)[0];
          /**** ACME ****/ me.refCache[ref] = cached = Ext.ComponentQuery.query(info.selector, this)[0];
          if (!cached && info.autoCreate) {
              me.refCache[ref] = cached = Ext.ComponentManager.create(info, 'component');
          if (cached) {
              cached.on('beforedestroy', function() {
                  me.refCache[ref] = null;

      return cached;

  control: function(selectors, listeners) {
    var me = this,
      thisIemIdPrefix = '#{thisItemId}',
      newSelectors = {};

    if (listeners)
      throw "Support for the optional 'listeners' param (which we had thought was rarely used) has not yet been coded.";

    // Since there could be multiple instances of the controller/component, each selector needs to be 
    // prefixed with something that scopes the query to within this component. Ensure each instance has 
    // an itemId, and use this as the basis for scoped selectors.
    me.itemId = me.itemId || me.id;
    if (!me.itemId)
      throw "We assume the component will always have an 'id' by the time control() is called.";
    selectorPrefix = '#' + me.itemId + ' ';
    Ext.Object.each(selectors, function(selector, listeners) {
      if (selector.indexOf(thisIemIdPrefix) === 0)
        selector = '#' + me.itemId + selector.substring(thisIemIdPrefix.length);
        selector = selectorPrefix + selector;
      newSelectors[selector] = listeners;
    selectors = newSelectors;

    // Real Controllers use the EventBus, so let's do likewise.
    // Note: this depends on a hacked EventBus ctor. See ext-fixes.js
    Ext.app.EventBus.theInstance.control(selectors, listeners, me);


Ext.override(Ext.app.EventBus, {
     * Our CmpController mixin needs to get a handle on the EventBus, as created by the Ext.app.Application instance. Analysis
     * of the ExtJS source code shows that only one instance of EventBus gets created (assuming there's never more than one
     * Ext.app.Application per app). So we hack the ctor to store a reference to itself as a static 'theInstance' property.
    constructor: function() {
        /**** ACME ****/ this.self.theInstance = this;

     * Had to patch this routine on the line labelled **** ACME ****. Events intercepted by Pv were being received by the Pv 
     * instance first created by appPv. appPv created a new Pv instance every time a 'to.AcmeViewer.View' message is received.
     * Even though the old Pv had isDestroyed:true, the routine below was dispatching the event to it.
     * It's possible this surprising behaviour is not unconnected with our (mis?)use of EventBus in Acme.CmpController.
     * This patched function is from ExtJS 4.1.1
    dispatch: function(ev, target, args) {
        var bus = this.bus,
            selectors = bus[ev],
            selector, controllers, id, events, event, i, ln;

        if (selectors) {
            // Loop over all the selectors that are bound to this event
            for (selector in selectors) {
                // Check if the target matches the selector
                if (selectors.hasOwnProperty(selector) && target.is(selector)) {
                    // Loop over all the controllers that are bound to this selector
                    controllers = selectors[selector];
                    for (id in controllers) {
                        if (controllers.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                            // Loop over all the events that are bound to this selector on this controller
                            events = controllers[id];
                            for (i = 0, ln = events.length; i < ln; i++) {
                                event = events[i];
                                /**** ACME ****/ if (!event.observable.isDestroyed)
                                // Fire the event!
                                if (event.fire.apply(event, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)) === false) {
                                    return false;
        return true;

虽然我目前使用ExtJS 4.1,但我也有兴趣了解依赖于4.2的解决方案,因为这可能有助于激励我迁移。

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