
时间:2014-05-01 01:48:59

标签: c++


话虽如此,我想在处理文件时实现进度条指示器。但是,我所知道的大多数方法都要求您使用getLine来计算文件中有多少行,以便将其用作"预定义目标"为您的进度条(Boost Example)。这意味着我必须遍历一个大文本文件两次,一次计算多少行,另一次实际获取每一行并显示一个进度条。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)

一种可能的解决方案是寻找文件的末尾,只是为了学习输入的大小。然后,根据您已处理的文件的百分比不断更新进度条。这应该给你一个非常好的和简单的进度条 - 可以用ASCII艺术和回车(\ r)进行美化。


# include <cmath>
# include <string>
# include <fstream>
# include <iomanip>
# include <iostream>

class reader : public std::ifstream {


    // Constructor
    template <class... Args>
    inline reader(int max, Args&&... args) :
    std::ifstream(args...), _max(max), _last(0) {
        if (std::ifstream::is_open()) _measure();

    // Opens the file and measures its length
    template <class... Args>
    inline auto open(Args&&... args)
    -> decltype(std::ifstream::open(args...)) {
        auto rvalue(std::ifstream::open(args...));
        if (std::ifstream::is_open()) _measure();
        return rvalue;

    // Displays the progress bar (pos == -1 -> end of file)
    inline void drawbar(void) {

        int pos(std::ifstream::tellg());
        float prog(pos / float(_length)); // percentage of infile already read
        if (pos == -1) { _print(_max + 1, 1); return; }

        // Number of #'s as function of current progress "prog"
        int cur(std::ceil(prog * _max));
        if (_last != cur) _last = cur, _print(cur, prog);



    std::string _inpath;
    int _max, _length, _last;

    // Measures the length of the input file
    inline void _measure(void) {
        std::ifstream::seekg(0, end);
        _length = std::ifstream::tellg();
        std::ifstream::seekg(0, beg);

    // Prints out the progress bar
    inline void _print(int cur, float prog) {

        std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2)
            << "\r   [" << std::string(cur, '#')
            << std::string(_max + 1 - cur, ' ') << "] " << 100 * prog << "%";

        if (prog == 1) std::cout << std::endl;
        else std::cout.flush();



int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    // Creating reader with display of length 100 (100 #'s)
    reader infile(std::atoi(argv[2]), argv[1]);
    std::cout << "-- reading file \"" << argv[1] << "\"" << std::endl;

    std::string line;
    while (std::getline(infile, line)) infile.drawbar();



$ ./reader foo.txt 50              # ./reader <inpath> <num_#'s>
-- reading file "foo.txt"
   [###################################################] 100.00%

请注意,参数是输入文件和进度条中所需的#的数量。我已将 length-seek 添加到std::ifstream::open函数,但drawbar()由用户调用。您可以将此功能卡在std::ifstream的特定功能中。

如果你想让它变得更漂亮,你也可以使用命令tput cols来了解当前shell中的列数。此外,您可以将此命令放在可执行文件中,使其更清晰而不是:

$ ./reader foo.txt $(( $(tput cols) - 30 ))
-- reading file "foo.txt"
   [####################################################################] 100.00%
