PHP - stripos()不处理文件内容 - 总是返回false

时间:2014-04-27 22:33:12

标签: php

我正在为我的网站构建一个非常简单的搜索功能,但奇怪的是stripos功能并不像它那样。我已经使用gettypeis_stringsettype以及许多其他功能来回应我所采取的每一步,这一切似乎都有效,直到我找到变量{{1 }}。我已经阅读了许多与此相关的其他问题,但我似乎无法找到答案。我在某处读到,当$found函数中使用变量作为针时,我需要将它放在引号中,所以我为我的 strpos做了这个,但是那并没有#39;解决问题。

另外,只是一个附带问题:为什么我需要将stripos变量放在$searchprint_r中?如果我没有,然后尝试用htmlspecialchars回显,它会返回NULL ...?提前致谢。代码:


已解决:必须将<?php /*------------------------VARIABLES------------------------*/ $search = $_GET['search']; $numberOfResults = 0; $fileContents; $found; $contentsLength; $startSearch; $endSearch; $contentsSearchLength; /*------------------------FUNCTIONS------------------------*/ function displaySearch() { //I'd have thought I don't need the below line but it returns NULL if I don't... found the script somewhere in the docs $search = htmlspecialchars(print_r($search, true)); foreach (glob('search/this/directory/*.*') as $file) { $fileContents = file_get_contents($file); //these next five lines narrow the file contents down to the body of the content of the file -- I don't want to search scripts, styling, or links! $contentsLength = strlen($fileContents); $startSearch = strpos($fileContents, '<div id="body">'); $endSearch = strpos($fileContents, '<!--FOOTER-->'); $contentsSearchLength = $contentsLength - ($contentsLength - $endSearch) - $startSearch; $fileContents = strip_tags(substr($fileContents, $startSearch, $contentsSearchLength)); $numberOfResultsInFile = 0; $found = stripos($fileContents, "$search"); if ($found !== false) { $numberOfResults += 1; echo '<div class="results" id="result'.$numberOfResults.'">'; echo '<div class="title">'; echo '<a target="_blank" href="'.$file.'">Result'.$numberOfResults.'</a>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="preview">'; echo 'Preview of file contents here'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } else { //move on to next file } } if ($numberOfResults == 0) { echo 'No results could be found'; } } ?> <h1>Search Results for "<?php echo $search ?>":</h1> <br> <div id="results"> <?php if (empty($search)) { echo 'Please enter a search query or go back to the <a href="home.php">Home Page</a>'; } else { displaySearch(); } ?> </div> $search直接传递给$_GET['search']函数。

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