我想要做的是将它们合并到一个元组列表中(startpos,endpos,values []),但遵循一条规则,我发现绘制比写入更容易:
//third [---------] [------------]
//second [-------------] [---------------------------]
//first [-----------------------------] [--------------]
//(pos) 0123456789|123456789|123456789|123456789|123456789|123456789|123456789
//result [--1-][--2-][---3---][---1----] [---2--][---3--]
类型。从结果中可以看出,“拆分”段不会在同一位置开始和结束,而是在pos-1或pos + 1处。只要定义了值,这些值的顺序就不重要了。
let third = [(12,22,3.1);(43,56,3.2)]
let second = [(6,20,2.1);(35,63,2.2)]
let first = [(0,30,1.1);(35,50,1.2)]
let after = [
UPDATE 实际上,如果我们将输入案例概括为已经是类型(int*int*List<float>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
数据错误;至少我的程序认为它是,我相信它。 :)
let third = [(12,22,3.1);(43,56,3.2)]
let second = [(6,20,2.1);(35,63,2.2)]
let first = [(0,30,1.1);(35,50,1.2)]
let all = List.concat [first; second; third]
let min = all |> Seq.map (fun (x,y,z)->x) |> Seq.min
let max = all |> Seq.map (fun (x,y,z)->y) |> Seq.max
let setsEachValueIsIn =
|> List.map (fun i ->
i, all
|> List.filter (fun (x,y,z) -> x<=i && i<=y)
|> List.map (fun (x,y,z) -> z))
printfn "%A" setsEachValueIsIn
let x1,l1 = Seq.nth 0 setsEachValueIsIn
let result =
|> List.fold (fun (((l,h,s)::t) as prev) (nx,ns) ->
if s=ns then (l,nx,s)::t else (nx,nx,ns)::prev
) [x1,x1,l1]
|> List.rev
let after = [
printfn ""
printfn "%A" result
printfn ""
printfn "%A" after
assert(result = after)
- next x,ns
- next set < / p>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
let third = [(12,22,3.1);(43,56,3.2)]
let second = [(6,20,2.1);(35,63,2.2)]
let first = [(0,30,1.1);(35,50,1.2)]
//===helper functions===
// foldable combined min and max finder
let minmax (mn,mx) (x,y,_) = (min mn x, max mx y)
// test if x - y range overlaps position i
let overlaps i (x,y,_) = x<=i && i<=y
// get third element from triple
let getz (_,_,z) = z
//specialise function, given two tuples, will combine lists (L & U)
// but only if both lists have contents AND their indexes (il & iu)
// are not more than 1 apart, i is included simply so that we can pass
// merge directly to the List.map2 below
let merge (i,il,L) (_,iu,U) =
if L = [] || U = [] || iu - il > 1 then
(i, il, L)
(i, iu, L @ U)
let input = [first;second;third] // input data - 'bottom' first
//find max and min positions
let (x0,yn) = input |> Seq.concat |> Seq.fold minmax (0,0)
//transform each data list to a list of (i,[z])
let valsByPos = input |> List.map (fun level -> //for each data 'level'
[x0..yn] |> List.map (fun i -> //for each position in range
//collect values of all elements in level that
// overlap this position
(i, level |> List.filter (overlaps i) |> List.map getz)))
// 'merge up' each level, keeping only upper values if lower values exist
// after we will have just one list of (i, [z])
let mergedValsByPos = valsByPos //offside here for SO formatting
//add an index into each tuple
|> List.mapi (fun i l -> l |> List.map (fun (j,z) -> (j,i,z)))
//use index to determine if we should 'merge up' for each subsublst
|> List.reduce (List.map2 merge)
//rip the index back out
|> List.map (fun (i,_,z) -> (i,z))
//get first value as seed for fold
let x1,l1 = Seq.nth 0 mergedValsByPos
//transform list (i,[z]) into list of (x,y,[z])
//key: (l)ow, (h)igh, (s)et, (nx)-next x, (ns)-next set
let result =
//first remove any positions where there are no values
|> List.filter (fun el -> snd(el) <> [])
//double capture on state so we can take all or part of it
|> List.fold (fun (((l,h,s)::t) as prev) (nx,ns) ->
//if [z] value hasn't changed, we just enlarge range
// of current state (from (l,h) to (l,nx))
// otherwise we add a new element (nx,nx,ns) to state
if s=ns then (l,nx,s)::t else (nx,nx,ns)::prev
) [x1,x1,l1] //initial state from seed values
|> List.rev //folded value is backwards (because of::), so reverse