无法通过json数据加载Extjs Grid

时间:2014-04-27 11:49:00

标签: javascript json extjs gridpanel

显示三列的简单网格...... 试图获取json数据 试图显示3列主题ID,主题名称和主题短名称.. 在myData中保存json格式的数据。 我刚刚粘贴了从服务器收到的数据myData。 我不明白为什么数据没有显示。

var myData = {"subjectStoreRoot":[{"subjectName":"Chemistry","subjectId":"Chem01","subjectShortName":"Chemistry"},{"subjectName":"Mathematics","subjectId":"Math01","subjectShortName":"Maths"},{"subjectName":"English","subjectId":"Eng01","subjectShortName":"Eng"},{"subjectName":"Science","subjectId":"Sci01","subjectShortName":"Sci"},{"subjectName":"Social Studies","subjectId":"SS01","subjectShortName":"Social"},{"subjectName":"Kannada","subjectId":"Kan01","subjectShortName":"Kan"}]};

store =  new Ext.data.ArrayStore({

autoDestroy : true,


    storeId: 'subjectsGridStoreId',

    // reader configs

    root: 'subjectStoreRoot',
    idProperty: 'subjectId',

    fields: [

    {name: 'subjectId' ,type:'string'},

    {name: 'subjectName' ,type:'string'},

    {name: 'subjectShortName' ,type:'string'}


    grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
                                                    store: store,
                                                    columns: [
                                                            id       :'subjectId',
                                                            header   : 'Subject Id', 
                                                            width    : 250, 
                                                            sortable : true, 
                                                            dataIndex: 'subjectId'
                                                            id       :'subjectName',
                                                            header   : 'Subject Name', 
                                                            width    : 250, 
                                                            sortable : true, 
                                                            dataIndex: 'subjectName'
                                                            id       :'subjectShortName',
                                                            header   : 'Subject Short Name', 
                                                            width    : 250, 
                                                            sortable : true, 
                                                            dataIndex: 'subjectShortName'
                                                 //   autoExpandColumn: 'subjectName',
                                                    height: 300,
                                                //  width: 350,
                                                    title: 'List of all Subjects',
                                                    // config options for stateful behavior
                                                    stateful: true,
                                                    stateId: 'grid'

enter image description here

作为 请指导为什么数据没有显示在网格上?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 你需要一个 Ext.data.JsonStore 而不是一个 Ext.data.ArrayStore ,因为提供的数据不是简单的数组 数组(更多关于Ext.data.ArrayStore在here处解释)。
  2. 无需使用 Ext.decode
  3. 我还制作了jsFiddle来解决上述问题(代码也附在下面):

    var myData = {
        "subjectStoreRoot": [{
            "subjectName": "Chemistry",
            "subjectId": "Chem01",
            "subjectShortName": "Chemistry"
        }, {
            "subjectName": "Mathematics",
            "subjectId": "Math01",
            "subjectShortName": "Maths"
        }, {
            "subjectName": "English",
            "subjectId": "Eng01",
            "subjectShortName": "Eng"
        }, {
            "subjectName": "Science",
            "subjectId": "Sci01",
            "subjectShortName": "Sci"
        }, {
            "subjectName": "Social Studies",
            "subjectId": "SS01",
            "subjectShortName": "Social"
        }, {
            "subjectName": "Kannada",
            "subjectId": "Kan01",
            "subjectShortName": "Kan"
    store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
        data: myData.subjectStoreRoot,
        autoDestroy: true,
        autoLoad: true,
        storeId: 'subjectsGridStoreId',
        // reader configs
        root: 'subjectStoreRoot',
        idProperty: 'subjectId',
        fields: [
            name: 'subjectId',
            type: 'string'
            name: 'subjectName',
            type: 'string'
            name: 'subjectShortName',
            type: 'string'
    grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        store: store,
        stripeRows: true,
        scrollable: true,
        columnLines: true,
        columns: [{
            id: 'subjectId',
            header: 'Subject Id',
            width: 250,
            sortable: true,
            dataIndex: 'subjectId'
        }, {
            id: 'subjectName',
            header: 'Subject Name',
            width: 250,
            sortable: true,
            dataIndex: 'subjectName'
        }, {
            id: 'subjectShortName',
            header: 'Subject Short Name',
            width: 250,
            sortable: true,
            dataIndex: 'subjectShortName'
        //   autoExpandColumn: 'subjectName',
        height: 300,
        //  width: 350,
        autoScroll: true,
        title: 'List of all Subjects',
        // config options for stateful behavior
        stateful: true,
        stateId: 'grid'

答案 1 :(得分:0)

1.完全使用store或jsonStore而不是arrayStore。 2.然后将配置“data”设置为myData.subjectStoreRoot。