这是记录get / set自然pythons @property描述符属性的合法方式吗?
class Handle(rgm.RigModule):
Handle nodes are intended to be keyable transforms, made viewable by shape nodes connected as children
Transform: Returns Transform instance if parent exists, otherwise None
(str): Sets parent transform. (Accepts string name of transform, or any instance of the Transform class)
str: returns string representation of current shape
(str): sets current shape using string representation provided. If string key does not exist in library, shape will be set to None
dict: returns dictionary of shape data
(dict): sets current shapes using data
int: returns integer representation of current shape color
(int): sets current shape color using integer provided.
int: returns integer representation of current shape color
(int): sets current shape color using integer provided.
list: returns a 3list of the shape nodes relative offset translation
(list): sets relative offset translation of the shape nodes
list: returns a 3list of the shape nodes relative offset rotation
(list): sets relative offset rotation of the shape nodes
list: returns a 3list of the shape nodes relative offset scale
(list): sets relative offset scale of the shape nodes
list: returns a 8list of the shape nodes relative offset matrix
(list): sets relative offset matrix of the shape nodes
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Docstring格式取决于您使用的IDE或自动文档生成工具。我可以举一个PyCharm IDE的例子,因为我总是在工作中使用它。
如果您使用PyCharm,docstring是增强IDE分析器结果的强大方法。你可以阅读很多关于如何写"对"此IDE here的docstring。下面是一些例子:
class Character(object):
class Item(object):
def __init__(self, owner=None):
:type owner: Character or None
self.__owner = owner
def owner(self):
""":rtype: Animal"""
return self.__owner
def owner(self, value):
""":type value: Character"""
self.__owner = value
class ArmorItem(Item):
def __init__(self, defence, owner=None):
:type defence: int
:type owner: Character or None
super(ArmorItem, self).__init__(owner)
self.__defence = defence
def defence(self):
""":rtype: int"""
return self.__defence
class Shield(ArmorItem):
def block(self, damage):
:param int damage: The damage that can hero get
:rtype: bool
if self.defence > damage:
return True
return False
class Helm(ArmorItem):
def save(self, damage):
:param int damage: The damage that can hero get
:rtype: bool
if self.defence > damage:
return True
return False
class Sword(Item):
def __init__(self, damage, owner=None):
:type damage: int
:type owner: Character or None
super(Sword, self).__init__(owner)
self.__damage = damage
class Hero(Character):
def __init__(self, name, weapon, armors):
:param str name: Hero name
:param weapon weapon: Hero weapon
:param list of ArmorItem armors: The armor item that have hero
super(Hero, self).__init__()
self.__name = name
self.__weapon = weapon
self.__armors = armors
for armor in self.__armors:
armor.owner = self
def name(self):
""":rtype: str"""
return self.__name
def weapon(self):
""":rtype: Sword"""
return self.__weapon
def armors(self):
""":rtype: list of ArmorItem"""
return self.__armors
def main():
Here method documentation can be placed.
There is a test function to show analyzer facilities when a good docstring specified.
Of course where I wrote "error" it mean that not Python exception will be thrown.
In this place analyzer (e.g. PyCharm) show that it's something wrong.
weapon_bad1 = Sword(34.2) # Error because damage is not int
weapon_bad2 = Sword(20, weapon_bad1) # Error because owner is not appropriate class
weapon = Sword(10) # Ok
helm = Helm(20) # Ok
shield = Shield(30) # Ok
# Specify that all_items it not list but it list of Item (any)
all_items = [weapon, helm, shield]
""":type: list of Item"""
hero_bad = Hero("bad", weapon, all_items) # Again error here because all_items is not ArmorItem list
hero_good = Hero("good", weapon, [helm, shield])
# "Cast type" to notify analyzer that we get not ArmorItem but we get concrete ArmorItem
some_armor = hero_good.armors[0]
""":type: Helm"""
some_armor.save(10) # Ok, Helm class has save method
some_armor.block(10) # Error, Helm class has not block method
if __name__ == "__main__":
注意PyCharm IDE分析器在指定文档字符串时可以提供很多帮助(文档字符串格式的扩展列表,您可以在答案开头的链接中找到)。