我试图检查SQL数据库,看看用户注册的电子邮件是否已经存在。如果是,那么我想要一个错误信息弹出窗口,说它已经注册了。如果没有,那么他们应该已经成功注册。这是我的表单中唯一需要的剩余支票。问题部分以下面的 * 标注。请帮忙!
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.Sql
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Net.Mail
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts
Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Public Class WebForm1
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim boolCar As Object
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
' declare database input variables
Dim userId As Integer = 0
Dim firstName As String = txtFirstName.Text
Dim lastName As String = txtLastName.Text
Dim hometown1 As String = txtHometown1.Text
Dim state1 As String = txtState1.Text
Dim zip1 As String = txtZipCode1.Text
Dim hometown2 As String = txtHometown2.Text
Dim state2 As String = txtState2.Text
Dim zip2 As String = txtZipCode2.Text
Dim phoneNum As String = txtPhoneNumber.Text
Dim emailAddress As String = txtEmailAddress.Text
Dim password As String = txtPassword.Text
Dim boolCar As Boolean = False
Dim boolUmary As Boolean = False
If radYesNo.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
boolCar = True
boolCar = False
End If
If txtEmailAddress.Text.Contains("@umary.edu") Then
boolUmary = True
boolUmary = False
End If
If boolUmary = True And txtPassword.Text = txtRetypePassword.Text Then
If (IsPostBack) Then
' this creates the connection. It assumes you have your SQL Express database file in the App_Data directory
Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection("Server=CISWEB\UMCISSQL2008;Database=StudentGov;UId=sa;Password=Password1;")
Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand ' create the command object
Dim _SqlDataReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = Nothing
sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConn ' define the connection for the command object
' define the command using parameterized query
sqlCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO RegisteredUsers(FirstName, LastName, Hometown1, State1, ZIP1, Hometown2, State2, ZIP2, PhoneNum, UMaryEmail, Password, Car) VALUES (@txtFirstName, @txtLastName, @txtHometown1, @txtState1, @txtZipCode1, @txtHometown2, @txtState2, @txtZipCode2, @txtPhoneNumber, @txtEmailAddress, @txtPassword, @RadYesNo)"
' define the SQL parameter
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtFirstName", txtFirstName.Text)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtLastName", txtLastName.Text)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtHometown1", txtHometown1.Text)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtState1", txtState1.Text)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtZipCode1", txtZipCode1.Text)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtHometown2", txtHometown2.Text)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtState2", txtState2.Text)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtZipCode2", txtZipCode2.Text)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtPhoneNumber", txtPhoneNumber.Text)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtEmailAddress", txtEmailAddress.Text)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtPassword", txtPassword.Text)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RadYesNo", boolCar)
sqlConn.Open() ' open connection
sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() ' execute the data insertion
*****Dim message As String = String.Empty
//' no idea whats going on here
//' What needs to happen - IF the UMaryEmail value ISNULL THEN message = Registration successful + SendActivationEmail(userId)
//' ELSE (IF UMaryEmail != ISNULL) message = Supplied email address already in use
sqlCmd.CommandText = "SELECT VALUE = CASE WHEN LEN(ISNULL(UMaryEmail,'))=0 Then '" + txtEmailAddress.ToString + "' WHEN LEN(ISNULL(UMaryEmail,'))!=0 THEN UMaryEmail END FROM RegisteredUsers;"
Select Case userId
Case -10
sqlCmd.CommandText = "SELECT RegisteredUsers.UMaryEmail FROM RegisteredUsers WHERE(RegisteredUsers.UMaryEmail = '" + txtEmailAddress.ToString + "');"
message = "Supplied email address has already been used."
Exit Select
Case Else
message = "Registration successful. An activation email has been sent to the email provided."
Exit Select
End Select*****
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript([GetType](), "alert", (Convert.ToString("alert('") & message) + "');", True)
sqlConn.Close() ' close connection
ElseIf txtPassword.Text <> txtRetypePassword.Text Then
MsgBox("The passwords do not match!")
ElseIf boolUmary = False Then
MsgBox("Please use your UMary email address!")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SendActivationEmail(userId As Integer)
Dim sqlString As String = "Server=CISWEB\UMCISSQL2008;Database=StudentGov;UId=sa;Password=Password1;"
Dim ActivationCode As String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
Using con As New SqlConnection(sqlString)
Using sqlCmd As New SqlCommand("UPDATE RegisteredUsers SET UserId = '" + userId.ToString + "', ActivationCode = '" + ActivationCode.ToString + "' WHERE UMaryEmail='" + txtEmailAddress.Text + "';")
Using sda As New SqlDataAdapter()
sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserId", userId)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ActivationCode", ActivationCode)
sqlCmd.Connection = con
End Using
End Using
End Using
Using mm As New MailMessage("mariders@umary.edu", txtEmailAddress.Text)
mm.Subject = "Account Activation"
Dim body As String = "Hello " + txtFirstName.Text.Trim() + ","
body += "<br /><br />Please click the following link to activate your account"
body += "<br /><a href = '" + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace("VB.aspx", Convert.ToString("VB_Activation.aspx?ActivationCode=") & ActivationCode) + "'>Click here to activate your account.</a>"
body += "<br /><br />Thanks"
mm.Body = body
mm.IsBodyHtml = True
Dim smtp As New SmtpClient()
smtp.Host = "smtp.live.com"
smtp.EnableSsl = True
Dim NetworkCred As New NetworkCredential("trialmaps2014@outlook.com", "12Password")
smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = True
smtp.Credentials = NetworkCred
smtp.Port = 587
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Email was not sent")
End Try
End Using
End Sub
End Class
我尝试使用Select Case语句,如上所示,但由于某种原因它不起作用。所以我对如何将SQL查询的结果转换为将在IF-THEN语句中使用的VB变量感到困惑。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
If txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim.EndsWith("@umary.edu") Or txtPassword.Text.Trim = txtRetypePassword.Text.Trim Then
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim cmdEmail As New SqlCommand
Dim cmdRegistration As New SqlCommand
Dim EmailCount As Integer = 0
con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=SERVERNAME;Initial Catalog=StudentGov;User ID=sa;Password=Password1"
cmdEmail = New SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(UMaryEmail) As EmailCount FROM RegisteredUsers WHERE UMaryEmail='" & txtEmailAddress.Text.Trim & "'", con)
EmailCount = cmdEmail.ExecuteScalar()
If EmailCount <> 0 Then
' Declare database input variables '
Dim userId As Integer = 0
Dim firstName As String = txtFirstName.Text
Dim lastName As String = txtLastName.Text
Dim hometown1 As String = txtHometown1.Text
Dim state1 As String = txtState1.Text
Dim zip1 As String = txtZipCode1.Text
Dim hometown2 As String = txtHometown2.Text
Dim state2 As String = txtState2.Text
Dim zip2 As String = txtZipCode2.Text
Dim phoneNum As String = txtPhoneNumber.Text
Dim emailAddress As String = txtEmailAddress.Text
Dim password As String = txtPassword.Text
Dim boolCar As Boolean = False
Dim boolUmary As Boolean = False
If radYesNo.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
boolCar = True
boolCar = False
End If
' Define the command using parameterized query '
cmdRegistration = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO RegisteredUsers(FirstName, LastName, Hometown1, State1, ZIP1, Hometown2, State2, ZIP2, PhoneNum, UMaryEmail, Password, Car) VALUES (@txtFirstName, @txtLastName, @txtHometown1, @txtState1, @txtZipCode1, @txtHometown2, @txtState2, @txtZipCode2, @txtPhoneNumber, @txtEmailAddress, @txtPassword, @RadYesNo)", con)
' Define the SQL parameter '
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtFirstName", txtFirstName.Text)
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtLastName", txtLastName.Text)
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtHometown1", txtHometown1.Text)
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtState1", txtState1.Text)
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtZipCode1", txtZipCode1.Text)
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtHometown2", txtHometown2.Text)
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtState2", txtState2.Text)
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtZipCode2", txtZipCode2.Text)
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtPhoneNumber", txtPhoneNumber.Text)
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtEmailAddress", txtEmailAddress.Text)
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtPassword", txtPassword.Text)
cmdRegistration.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RadYesNo", boolCar)
' Duplicate Email Exist Error Message '
End If
Catch ex AS Exception
' Error Executing One Of The SQL Statements '
End Try
' Throw Error Message '
End If
End Sub