此问题已在早些时候得到解答,并在此处结束: Open link in Popup Window with Javascript
只是注意,我正在使用这种方法,如果您不允许浏览器弹出窗口,则工作正常,但是,如果您这样做,它将打开弹出窗口两次。我通过添加event.preventDefault()解决了这个问题。单击链接,并从windowpop()的开头删除返回。 - madaaah Oct 18' 13 at 18:13
function windowpop(url, width, height) {
var leftPosition, topPosition;
//Allow for borders.
leftPosition = (window.screen.width / 2) - ((width / 2) + 10);
//Allow for title and status bars.
topPosition = (window.screen.height / 2) - ((height / 2) + 50);
//Open the window.
window.open(url, "Window2", "status=no,height=" + height + ",width=" + width + ",resizable=yes,left=" + leftPosition + ",top=" + topPosition + ",screenX=" + leftPosition + ",screenY=" + topPosition + ",toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,location=no,directories=no");
<a class="sprite_stumbleupon" href="http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=http://www.your_web_page_url" target="_blank" onclick="return windowpop(this.href, 545, 433)"></a>