
时间:2014-04-24 15:04:32

标签: c++ stl copy-constructor dynamic-allocation



/tmp/ccdjbURO.o: In function `main':
assignment8.cpp:(.text+0x5a): undefined reference to `getData(menuItemType&, int&, std::basic_ifstream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&)'
assignment8.cpp:(.text+0x116): undefined reference to `showMenu(menuItemType, int)'
assignment8.cpp:(.text+0x1a5): undefined reference to `showMenu(menuItemType, int)'
assignment8.cpp:(.text+0x29f): undefined reference to `makeSelection(int&, int, int)'
assignment8.cpp:(.text+0x2eb): undefined reference to `printCheck(menuItemType, int, int)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    struct menuItemType
       string menuItem;
       double menuPrice;

    const double TAX = 0.05;
    const string FILE_NAME = "Ch9_Ex5Data.txt";

    int getData(menuItemType&, int&, ifstream);
    int makeSelection(int&, int, int);
    void showMenu(menuItemType, int);
    void printCheck(menuItemType, int, int);
    void getInt(int&);
    void getChar(char&);

//* getData
int getData(menuItemType* &menuList, int& listSize, ifstream& inFile)

   inFile  >>  listSize;

   if (inFile.fail())
      return -1;

   menuList = new menuItemType[listSize];

   for(int i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
      getline(inFile, menuList[i].menuItem);
      inFile  >>  menuList[i].menuPrice;

      if (inFile.fail())
         return -1;
                                                                         122,1         47%
   return 1;

//* makeSelection
int makeSelection(int* &orderList, int quantity, int index)
   if ((orderList[index] + quantity) < 0)
      cout  <<  "Quantity selected makes total number ordered less than 0"
              <<   endl  <<  endl;

        return 1;

      orderList[index] = orderList[index] + 1;

      return -1;

//* showMenu
void showMenu(menuItemType *menuList, int listSize)
   cout  <<  fixed  <<  showpoint  <<  setprecision(2)  <<  endl  <<  endl
         << "------Today's Menu------"  <<  endl;

   for(int i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
      cout  <<  left   <<  setw(18)  <<  menuList[i].menuItem   <<  "$ "
            <<  right  <<  setw(4)   <<  menuList[i].menuPrice  <<  endl;

   cout  <<  "------------------------"
         <<  endl  <<  endl;

//* printCheck
void printCheck(menuItemType *menuList, int *orderList, int listSize)
   int taxDue  = 0;
   int amntDue = 0;

   cout  <<  fixed  <<  showpoint  <<  setprecision(2)  <<  endl  <<  endl
         <<  "------Your Reciept------"  <<  endl;

   for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
      if (orderList[i] > 0)
         cout  <<  left   <<  setw(2)  <<  orderList[i]  <<  "  "
               <<  setw(15)  <<  menuList[i].menuItem
               <<  right  <<  setw(5)  <<  (orderList[i] * menuList[i].menuPrice)
               <<  endl;

         amntDue  +=  (orderList[i] * menuList[i].menuPrice);
                                                                         210,1         73%
 taxDue = amntDue * TAX;

   amntDue = amntDue * (1 + TAX);

   cout  <<  endl  <<  right   <<  setw(17)  <<  "Tax:    $ "
                   <<  setw(7) <<  taxDue
         <<  endl  <<  right   <<  setw(17)  <<  "Amount Due:    $ "
                   <<  setw(7) <<  amntDue
         <<  endl
         << "------------------------"  <<  endl  << endl;

                                                                     187,0-1       64%

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



int getData(menuItemType* &menuList, int& listSize, ifstream inFile)

by value,隐式尝试复制它。



答案 1 :(得分:0)


int getData(menuItemType*&, int&, ifstream&);
int makeSelection(int*&, int, int);
void showMenu(menuItemType*, int);
void printCheck(menuItemType*, int*, int);
void getInt(int&);
void getChar(char&);