
时间:2014-04-23 08:41:23

标签: gcc macros c-preprocessor



#define FOO

#pragma message "defines before whatever.h"
#pragma please_dump_all_defines
#include <whatever.h>
#pragma message "defines after whatever.h"
#pragma please_dump_all_defines

// rest of the file

获取信息的另一种方式也可以,例如以某种方式使用gcc -E,只要考虑到上面的FOO可能会影响包含文件的确切定义,并可以跟踪多个#define / #undef

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

当然,GCC预处理器不能完全按照您的要求行事,但确实如此 对于标记组合-dCHARS,有一个CHARS选项 您可以利用一点脚本来提取更改 翻译单元中两点之间的预处理器定义。


<强> foo.c的

#define B 1
#define C 2
#pragma message Begin
#include "bar.h"
#pragma message End
#undef B
#undef C
#define B 4
#define C 5 

<强> bar.h

#ifndef BAR_H
#define BAR_H

#undef B
#undef C
#ifdef A
#define B 2
#define C 3



cpp -dD foo.c

-dD选项会保留#define|#undef指令 预处理输出。有&gt;输出500行,所以我只是 引用有趣的尾巴:

# 1 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "foo.c"
#define B 1
#define C 2

# 3 "foo.c"
#pragma message Begin
# 3 "foo.c"

# 1 "bar.h" 1

#define BAR_H 

#undef B
#undef C
# 5 "foo.c" 2

# 5 "foo.c"
#pragma message End
# 5 "foo.c"

#undef B
#undef C
#define B 4
#define C 5


cpp -dD -DA foo.c


# 1 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "foo.c"
#define B 1
#define C 2

# 3 "foo.c"
#pragma message Begin
# 3 "foo.c"

# 1 "bar.h" 1

#define BAR_H 

#undef B
#undef C

#define B 2     //<- New with -DA
#define C 3     //<- New with -DA
# 5 "foo.c" 2

# 5 "foo.c"
#pragma message End
# 5 "foo.c"

#undef B
#undef C
#define B 4
#define C 5


  • 1)提取起始点之前的#define|#undef指令 标记,#pragma message Begin,仅保留每个宏名称的最新滚动。
  • 2)从起点到终点标记#pragma message End重复1)。
  • 3)按宏名称匹配两组,并报告前/后差异。

幸运的是,我需要将蜘蛛网吹掉(永远不会 非常有光泽的蟒蛇面试,所以这里是一个剧本(只有光滑的 调试):

<强> macrodiff.py


import sys, argparse, os, string, re, subprocess, shlex
from subprocess import call, CalledProcessError

class macro_directive:
    def __init__(self,directive = None,name = None,definition = None):
        self.__directive = directive
        self.__name = name
        self.__definition = definition
    def __eq__(self,other):
        return  self.__name == other.__name and \
                self.__directive == other.__directive and \
                self.__definition == other.__definition
    def __neq__(self,other):
        return not __eq__(self,other)
    def empty(self):
        return not self.__directive
    def directive(self):
        return self.__directive
    def name(self):
        return self.__name
    def definition(self):
        return self.__definition

    def desc(self):
        desc = self.__directive + ' ' + self.__name
        if self.__definition:
            desc += ' '
            desc += self.__definition
        return desc

    def read(line):
        match = re.match('^\s*#\s*(define|undef)\s+(\w+) \s*(.*)$',line)
        if match:
            directive = match.group(1)
            name = match.group(2)
            if directive == 'define':
                return macro_directive(directive,name,match.group(3))
                return macro_directive(directive,name)
            return macro_directive()
    def make_dict(lines):
        d = {}
        for line in lines:
            md = macro_directive.read(line);
            if not md.empty:
                d[md.name] = md
        return d

def find_marker(lines,marker):
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.find(marker) == 0:
            return i;
    return -1

def split_by_marker(lines,marker):
    mark_i = find_marker(lines,marker)
    if mark_i != -1:
        return [lines[:mark_i],lines[mark_i:]]
    return [[],lines]

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description='Extract changes in simple preprocessor macro values between' +
        ' two marked points in a C/C++ translation unit. ' +
        'Function-like macros are not supported')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--start', metavar='STARTSTR',required=True,
    help='The initial macro values will be those in effect when the' +
        ' first line commencing with STARTSTR is read')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--end', metavar='ENDSTR',
    help='The final macro values will be those in effect when the first line' +
    ' commencing with ENDSTR is read, or if --end is not given then those' +
    ' in effect at end-of-file ')
parser.add_argument('--pp', default='cpp -dD',metavar='PP',
    help='PP is the preprocessor command to invoke. Default \'cpp -dD\'')
    help='PPFLAGS are additional options to be passed to PP')
    help='FILE is a C/C++ source file to be processed')

args = vars(parser.parse_args())
startstr = args['start'];
endstr = args['end'];
stdout = ''
command = args['pp'] + ' ' + args['ppflags'] + ' ' + args['infile'][0]

    stdout = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(command))
except CalledProcessError, e:
    sys.stderr.write( '***Error: Command \"' + command + '\" failed: \"' + \
        e.output + '\": ' + 'syscode = ' + str(e.returncode) + '\n')
lines = stdout.splitlines();
lines_before,lines_after = split_by_marker(lines,startstr);
if not lines_before:
    sys.stderr.write( '***Error: STARTSTR \"' + startstr + '\" not found\n')
if endstr:
    lines_after, ignore = split_by_marker(lines_after,endstr);
    if not lines_after:
        sys.stderr.write( '***Error: ENDSTR \"' + endstr + '\" not found\n')

directives_dict_before = macro_directive.make_dict(lines_before)
directives_dict_after = macro_directive.make_dict(lines_after)
intersection = \
    directives_dict_before.viewkeys() & directives_dict_after.viewkeys()

for key in intersection:
    before = directives_dict_before[key]
    after = directives_dict_after[key]
    if before != after:
        print 'BEFORE[' + before.desc + '] AFTER[' + after.desc +']'  



$ ./macrodiff.py -h
usage: macrodiff [-h] -s STARTSTR [-e ENDSTR] [--pp PP] [--ppflags PPFLAGS]

Extract changes in simple preprocessor macro values between two marked points in a C/C++ translation unit. Function-like macros are not supported

positional arguments:
  FILE                  FILE is a C/C++ source file to be processed

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The initial macro values will be those in effect when
                        the first line commencing with STARTSTR is read
  -e ENDSTR, --end ENDSTR
                        The final macro values will be those in effect when
                        the first line commencing with ENDSTR is read, or if
                        --end is not given then those in effect at end-of-file
  --pp PP               PP is the preprocessor command to invoke. Default 'cpp
  --ppflags PPFLAGS     PPFLAGS are additional options to be passed to PP


$ ./macrodiff.py -s='#pragma message Begin' -e='#pragma message End' foo.c


BEFORE[define C 2] AFTER[undef C]
BEFORE[define B 1] AFTER[undef B]


$ ./macrodiff.py -s='#pragma message Begin' -e='#pragma message End' --ppflags='-DA' foo.c


BEFORE[define C 2] AFTER[define C 3]
BEFORE[define B 1] AFTER[define B 2]


$ ./macrodiff.py -s='#pragma message Begin' --ppflags='-DA' foo.c

这次是#pragma message Begin和之间的差异 档案结尾。输出:

BEFORE[define C 2] AFTER[define C 5]
BEFORE[define B 1] AFTER[define B 4]

如果你更喜欢使用独特的评论而不是pragma 开始和结束标记,然后将-C添加到PPFLAGS。这将保留评论 预处理的输出,除了指令中的那些。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

我很确定你应该能够使用Boost Wave编写类似的代码。


让我知道我是否可以根据Boost Wave制作一些东西。