
时间:2014-04-23 04:29:27

标签: powershell scripting


我在我的环境中使用ms-exchange 2013,并且有一个单独的siem框,用于分析由不同系统(即交换)生成的日志。用于交换的日志在内部存储,但是可以提取,例如


Get-MailboxAuditLog -Identity test-mailbox-1 -LogonTypes   Admin,Delegate -ShowDetails -StartDate mm / dd / 2014 -EndDate mm / dd / 2014   | Export-Csv“c:\ test-Audit-Results.csv”


  • 启用交换审核
  • 获得了需要放入脚本的命令google(上图)。


1) check presence of properties file with last collect time. 
2) If file is absent query the data from some period of time before till the current moment:
    2.1) Search-AdminAuditLog -StartDate (get-date).adddays(-30) -EndDate (get-date) | Export-Csv "c:\admin-results-temp.csv"
    2.2) remember "get-date" value to properties file
    2.3) copy "admin-results-temp.csv" file contents to the final file <admin-final.csv> to be forwarder by ALE
3) **If file is present:**
    3.1) Get last collect time calculate difference in time from present time. If time-difference is more then 1 hours ...pull the log again
    3.2) execute Search-AdminAuditLog with StartDate = date from props file, EndDate = current 
    3.3) remember current time to the props file
    3.4) copy "admin-results-temp.csv" file contents to the final file <admin-final.csv> to be forwarder by ALE
4) You can clean up final file <admin-final.csv> once a week to avoid over-grow. ALE will forward it from the beginning at that case.
5) Schedule the script/code described above to run each minute
6) Configure ALE in a File Forwarder mode to send <admin-final.csv> file


我想在power shell脚本中高于算法。


Get-MailboxReport.ps1 - Mailbox report generation script.

Generates a report of useful information for
the specified server, database, mailbox or list of mailboxes.
Use only one parameter at a time depending on the scope of
your mailbox report.

Single mailbox reports are output to the console, while all other
reports are output to a CSV file.

Generates a report for all mailboxes in the organization.

Generates a report for all mailboxes on the specified server.

.PARAMETER database
Generates a report for all mailboxes on the specified database.

Generates a report for mailbox names listed in the specified text file.

.PARAMETER mailbox
Generates a report only for the specified mailbox.

.PARAMETER filename
(Optional) Specifies the CSV file name to be used for the report.
If no file name specificed then a unique file name is generated by the script.

.\Get-MailboxReport.ps1 -database HO-MB-01
Returns a report with the mailbox statistics for all mailbox users in
database HO-MB-01

.\Get-MailboxReport.ps1 -file .\users.txt
Returns a report with the mailbox statistics for all mailbox users in
the file users.txt. Text file should contain names in a format that
will work for Get-Mailbox, such as the display name, alias, or primary
SMTP address.

.\Get-MailboxReport.ps1 -server ex2010-mb1
Generates a report with the mailbox statisitcs for all mailbox users
on ex2010-mb1

.\Get-MailboxReport.ps1 -server ex2010-mb1 -filename ex2010-mb1.csv
Generates a report with the mailbox statisitcs for all mailbox users
on ex2010-mb1, and uses the custom file name of ex2010-mb1.csv


Written By: SOC

Change Log
V1.00, 2/2/2012 - Initial version

# Variables


# Initialize

#Set recipient scope
$2007snapin = Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
if ($2007snapin)
    $AdminSessionADSettings.ViewEntireForest = 1
    $2010snapin = Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
    if ($2010snapin)
        Set-ADServerSettings -ViewEntireForest $true

#If no filename specified, generate report file name with random strings for uniqueness

    $check_last = (ls $source).LastWriteTime

# Script

#Add dependencies
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

#Get the mailbox list

$mailboxcount = $mailboxes.count
$i = 0

$mailboxdatabases = @(Get-MailboxDatabase)

$directoryInfo = Get-ChildItem C:\Mail-audit-results | Measure-Object
$directoryInfo.count #Returns the count of all of the files in the directory

If $directoryInfo.count -eq 0


#Loop through mailbox list
foreach ($mb in $mailboxes)
    $i = $i + 1
    $pct = $i/$mailboxcount * 100    

    Write-Progress -Activity "Collecting audit details for Mail admin" -Status "Processing mailbox $i of $mailboxcount - $mb" -PercentComplete $pct

     $check_collect_last=Get-Date -format HH:mm:ss

    $auditAdmin_search = $mb | Search-MailboxAuditLog -Identity $i -LogonTypes Admin,Delegate –ShowDetails -StartDate  $Startdate -EndDate $Enddate | Export-Csv “c:\Mail-audit-results\Temp-Audit-Results.csv”   

   #appending file to final audit csv file
   [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("c:\Mail-audit-results\Temp-Audit-Results.csv") | Out-File c:\Mail-audit-results\Final-mail-admin.csv -Append -Encoding Unicode 



    # if difference between last collect time and present is more then #1 hours collect logs in cycle / hrs
$Now = Get-Date -format HH:mm:ss
    $check_collect_last = New-TimeSpan $check_collect_last $Now

    if ($check_collect_last.Hours -gt 1) 

    foreach ($mb in $mailboxes)

$i = $i + 1
    $pct = $i/$mailboxcount * 100    

    Write-Progress -Activity "Collecting audit details for Mail admin" -Status "Processing mailbox $i of $mailboxcount - $mb" -PercentComplete $pct

    $auditAdmin_search = $mb | Search-MailboxAuditLog -Identity $i -LogonTypes Admin,Delegate –ShowDetails -StartDate   -EndDate $Enddate | Export-Csv “c:\Mail-audit-results\Temp-Audit-Results.csv



    return 0


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