您好,这是对此故障单的跟进:How to resolve Missing Powerpoint 15 Object Library Error
我开发了一个宏,可以在Excel 2010中将excel中的内容导出到powerpoint。当我尝试部署到Office 2010的用户时,我遇到了问题。根据SO的建议我将引用更改为后期绑定以避免版本依赖。现在可以在Office 2010上打开并运行宏,但用户仍然会看到错误消息:"无法加载DLL"。当我点击引用时,它说缺少15个Powerpoint VBA。如果我取消选中并检查14它将运行,但似乎2010年的某个人必须在每次运行宏时都这样做。关于如何进行的任何建议?我尝试添加以下内容来解决问题
Sub RemoveMissingReferences()
Dim Intrefcount As Integer
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.references
For Intrefcount = 1 To .Count
If Left(.Item(Intrefcount).Description, 7) = "Missing" Then
.Remove .Item(Intrefcount)
End If
Next Intrefcount
End With
End Sub
Sub CopyDataToPPTBrandPers()
Const ppLayouttitleonly = 11
Const ppPasteEnhancedMetafile = 2
Dim objWorkSheet As Worksheet
Dim objRange As Range
Dim objPPT, objslide, objPresentation, shapePPTOne As Object
Dim intLocation, intHeight, inLayout, intRefCount As Integer
Dim strRange As String
Dim boolRefExists As Boolean
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
boolRefExists = False
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.references
For intRefCount = 1 To .Count
If .Item(intRefCount).Description = _
"Microsoft PowerPoint 14.0 Object Library" Then
boolRefExists = True
End If
Next intRefCount
End With
Set objPPT = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
objPPT.Visible = True
inLayout = 1
strRange = "p19:y48" '<- here
intHeight = 430
Set objPresentation = objPPT.Presentations.Add
Set objslide = objPresentation.Slides.Add(1, inLayout)
objslide.Layout = ppLayouttitleonly
With objslide.Shapes.Title
With .TextFrame.TextRange
.Text = "Reebok - " & Sheets("Brand Personality").Cells(3, 2)
.Words.Font.Bold = msoTrue
.Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End With
.Fill.Visible = msoTrue
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(192, 0, 0) '160, 157, 117)
.Height = 50
End With
Set objRange = Sheets("Brand Personality").Range(strRange)
Set shapePPTOne = objslide.Shapes.PasteSpecial(DataType:=ppPasteEnhancedMetafile, _
If boolRefExists = True Then
shapePPTOne.Left = 100
shapePPTOne.Top = 100
shapePPTOne.Height = intHeight
shapePPTOne(1).Left = 220
shapePPTOne(1).Top = 100
shapePPTOne(1).Height = intHeight
End If
Set shapePPTOne = Nothing
'Set shapePPTTwo = Nothing
Set objRange = Nothing
Set objPPT = Nothing
Set objPresentation = Nothing
Set objslide = Nothing
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Update Complete"
End Sub
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' PasteSpecial returns a shaperange consisting of 1 shape, so add a (1) at the end to
' set shapePPTOne equal to the first shape in the range:
Set shapePPTOne = objslide.Shapes.PasteSpecial(DataType:=ppPasteEnhancedMetafile, _
Then you don't need all this stuff, just shapePPTOne.Left = xxx etc.
'If boolRefExists = True Then
shapePPTOne.Left = 100
shapePPTOne.Top = 100
shapePPTOne.Height = intHeight
' shapePPTOne(1).Left = 220
' shapePPTOne(1).Top = 100
' shapePPTOne(1).Height = intHeight
'End If