
时间:2014-04-21 19:23:17

标签: python file-io data-structures


car    trans  +  1,4,6,8
plane  trans  +  3,5,7,9,4,3
train  trans  -  2,4,6,7
bus    trans  -  1,3,4,5,6,7,8

在以逗号分隔的值中,我试图仅提取" eventh"数字(第2,第4,第6,第8,第10等)根据第三列的+或 - 值排除并定位。

我想放置" eventh"从逗号分隔的数据中输出数字,如果是" +",则数字转到第四列并将该值加1,然后将其放在第5列。如果是" - ",则该数字为第五列,减去该值为1,并将其置于第四列。我知道这是一个复杂的解释,但如果有人能给我一个可以从哪里开始的想法,那将会很棒。感谢

car.1    trans  +  4  5
car.2    trans  +  8  9
plane.1  trans  +  5  6
plane.2  trans  +  9  10
plane.3  trans  +  3  4
train.1  trans  -  3  4
train.2  trans  -  6  7
bus.1    trans  -  2  3
bus.2    trans  -  4  5
bus.3    trans  -  6  7

edit2:经过大家的搜索和帮助后,我现在有了类似的东西。这给了我正确的输出,但我现在唯一的问题是我无法正确命名。 (即car.1,car.2,car.3,plane.1,plane.2 ....等等)有人可以让我深入了解这个问题吗?

import sys
import string
infileName = sys.argv[1]
outfileName = sys.argv[2]

def getGenes(infile, outfile):

infile = open(infileName,"r")
outfile = open(outfileName, "w")

while 1:
    line = infile.readline()
    if not line: break
    wrds = string.split(line)
    comma = string.split(wrds[3], ",")
    fivess = comma[1::2]

    if len(wrds) >= 2:
        name = wrds[0]
        chr = wrds[1]
        type = wrds[2]
    if type == "+":
        for jj in fivess:
            start = jj
            stop = string.atoi(jj)+1
            outfile.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' %(name, chr, type, start, stop))           
    elif type == "-":
        for jj in fivess:
            stop = jj
            start= string.atoi(jj)-1
            outfile.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' %(name, chr, type, start, stop))   

 getGenes(infileName, outfileName)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


txt = """car    trans  +  1,4,6,8
plane  trans  +  3,5,7,9,4,3
train  trans  -  2,4,6,7
bus    trans  -  1,3,4,5,6,7,8"""
lines = txt.split("\n")
for line in lines:
    vehicle,vehicle_type,action,numbers = line.split('\t')
    numbers_list = numbers.split(',')


even_locations_list = numbers_list[1::2] #starting from position 1 (the second object) and jumping 2 steps at a time)

答案 2 :(得分:0)


with open('infile.txt','r') as infile, open('outfile.txt','w') as outfile:
    for line in infile:
        name, group, op, elements = line.split()
        elements = [int(i) for i in elements.split(',')[1::2]]
        for idx, val in enumerate(elements):
            if op == '-':
                col4, col5 = val - 1, val
                col4, col5 = val, val + 1
            output = "\t".join(map(str,
                        ["{}.{}".format(name, idx+1), group, op, col4, col5]))
            outfile.write(output + "\n")