
时间:2014-04-21 17:01:48

标签: php file

我的文件上传脚本有问题这是函数(jp_upload_pic())我有问题的具体是move_uploaded()函数,第二个参数“destination”这是我的值(“../ usr / ceo / JPCEO_20“)但这个错误告诉我。


警告:第1115行/var/www/jobinpal/includes/func.php中的move_uploaded_file(../usr/ceo/JPCEO_20): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/jobinpal/includes/func.php on line 1115 Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpgf1k7y' to ' ../ usr / ceo / JPCEO_20'

function jp_upload_pic()
    if (isset($_GET['upload'])) {

        // file uploader for jobinpal...
        $jp_img_name=$jp_img['name'];// name of the file
        $jp_img_err=$jp_img['error'];// the error of the file...

        // check if the image post isset before working...
        if (isset($jp_img)) {

          //do the string of the file name to get the .xxx extension
            $jp_img_ext=substr($jp_img_name ,-4, $jp_img_name_len );

            //check the image type of the image
            if (
                 /* file must be any of this format else bounce */
                 ($jp_img_ext == '.jpg') ||
                 ($jp_img_ext == '.png') ||
                 ($jp_img_ext == '.gif')
                 ) && ($jp_img_size < 10240)
              //call the session file to get the current user

              //use the user session to create a folder in the 'usr/ceo' folder
              //*** pattern for the foldername ***//
              //------>>> JPCEO_ID_FILEID

              //write a function to ouput from the database if...
              //the user is a ceo,staff,student account

              //function jp_check_usr_acc()


                $jp_run=$jobinpal_db_lite->query("SELECT account_type,id FROM  `jp_user` WHERE email='$jp_usr_verified_ses'");

                while ($jp_result=$jp_run->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH)) {
                   $jp_results[] = $jp_result;

                foreach ($jp_results as $jp_result) {



                if (!is_dir("../usr/ceo/"."JP".$jp_res."_".$jp_res2))
                   mkdir("../usr/ceo/"."JP".$jp_res."_".$jp_res2, 0700);

                   //please i am having issues with the file uploads please put it stackoverflow
                   //for help...(?)



              // move the uploaded file to the directory created for the user...

              if (
                 /* file must be any of this format else bounce */
                 ($jp_img_ext == '.jpg') ||
                 ($jp_img_ext == '.png') ||
                 ($jp_img_ext == '.gif')
                echo "<h6 id='img_upload_err'>image must be this extensions (.jpg), (.png), (.gif)<h6>";
                return false;



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                                     ^ is this supposed to be here?
