解析Microsoft DNS调试日志

时间:2014-04-21 14:08:15

标签: python

我希望解析Microsoft DNS调试日志响应。我们的想法是解析域并在调试日志中打印每个域出现的编号列表。通常我会使用grep -v " R " log > tmp之类的东西来首先将所有响应重定向到文件。然后手动grep查找grep domain tmp等域名。我认为有更好的方法。

20140416 01:38:52 588 PACKET  02030850 UDP Rcv 2659 R Q [8281   DR SERVFAIL] A     (11)quad(3)sub(7)domain(3)com(0)
20140416 01:38:52 588 PACKET  02396370 UDP Rcv b297 R Q [8281   DR SERVFAIL] A     (3)pk(3)sub(7)domain(3)com(0)
20140415 19:46:24 544 PACKET  0261F580 UDP Snd  795a   Q [0000       NOERROR] A     (11)tertiary(7)domain(3)com(0)
20140415 19:46:24 544 PACKET  01A47E60 UDP Snd f4e2   Q [0001   D   NOERROR] A     (11)quad(3)sub(7)domain(3)net(0)


domain.com 3
domain.net 1

这表示脚本或命令为domain.com找到了两个查询条目。我并不担心计算中包含三级或更多主机。 shell命令或Python就可以了。这里有一些伪代码可以将问题带回家。

theFile = open('log','r')
FILE = theFile.readlines()
printList = []
# search for unique queries and count them
for line in FILE:
    if ('query for the " Q " field' in line):
         # store until count for this uniq value is complete

for item in printList:
    print item    # print the summary which is a number of unique domains

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

也许是这样的?我不是regular expressions的专家,但是我应该完成工作,因为我理解你要解析的格式。

#!/usr/bin/env python

import re

ret = {}

with open('log','r') as theFile:
    for line in theFile:
        match = re.search(r'Q \[.+\].+\(\d+\)([^\(]+)\(\d+\)([^\(]+)',line.strip())
        if match != None:
            key = ' '.join(match.groups())
            if key not in ret.keys():
                ret[key] = 1
                ret[key] += 1

for k in ret.keys():
    print '%s %d' % (k,ret[k])

答案 1 :(得分:1)


>>> from collections import Counter
>>> with open('t.txt') as f:
...     c = Counter('.'.join(re.findall(r'(\w+\(\d+\))',line.split()[-1])[-2:]) for line in f)
>>> for domain, count in c.most_common():
...    print domain,count
domain(3).com(0) 3
domain(3).net(0) 1

答案 2 :(得分:0)


dns = [line.strip().split()[-1] for line in file(r"path\to\file").readlines() if "PACKET" in line]
domains = {}
for d in dns:
    if not domains.has_key(d):
        domains[d] = 1
        domains[d] += 1

for k, v in domains.iteritems():
    print "%s %d" % (k, v)