Datetime | Air Temperature
... |
01.12.2013 00:00:00 | 2
01.12.2013 01:00:00 | 2
01.12.2013 02:00:00 | 2
01.12.2013 03:00:00 | 1.7
01.12.2013 04:00:00 | 2
01.12.2013 05:00:00 | 2
01.12.2013 06:00:00 | 2.2
Dim query = (From i In db _
Where i.Datetime > #12/1/2013 00:00# AndAlso i.Datetime < #1/1/2014 00:00# _
Select i).GroupBy(Function(f) f.Datetime.Day)
"Key": 1,
"Values": [
"Datetime": "2013-12-01T00:00:00",
"AirTemperature": 2.0,
"Key": 1,
"Values": [
"Datetime": "2013-12-01T01:00:00",
"AirTemperature": 2.0,
答案 0 :(得分:3)
GroupBy extension method返回一个IEnumerable(IGrouping(Of TKey,TSource),每个IGrouping代表一个项集合并公开Key
Structure Item
Public DateTime As DateTime
Public Temp As Double
End Structure
Sub Main()
' Test data
Dim query = {
New Item With {.DateTime = #12/1/2013 00:00#, .Temp = 2},
New Item With {.DateTime = #12/1/2013 01:00#, .Temp = 2},
New Item With {.DateTime = #12/1/2013 02:00#, .Temp = 2},
New Item With {.DateTime = #12/1/2013 03:00#, .Temp = 1.7},
New Item With {.DateTime = #12/1/2013 04:00#, .Temp = 2},
New Item With {.DateTime = #12/1/2013 05:00#, .Temp = 2},
New Item With {.DateTime = #12/1/2013 06:00#, .Temp = 2.2}
' Aggregate with extension methods
Dim aggregated =
query.GroupBy(Function(item) item.DateTime.Date) _
.Select(Function(grouping) _
New With {
.DateTime = grouping.Key,
.Max = grouping.Max(Function(item) item.Temp),
.Min = grouping.Min(Function(item) item.Temp)
' Aggregate with sugared LINQ
Dim aggregated2 =
From item In query
Group item By key = item.DateTime.Date Into Group
Select New With {
.DateTime = key,
.Min = Group.Min(Function(item) item.Temp),
.Max = Group.Max(Function(item) item.Temp)}
' Show aggregated results
For Each item In aggregated2
Console.WriteLine(item.DateTime & " " & item.Min & " " & item.Max)
End Sub