在Akka API文档中找不到IO.Handle

时间:2014-04-21 01:22:41

标签: scala akka

在Derek Wyatt的书Akka Concurrency(第13.1节飞机的Telnet服务器)之后,他使用Handle中名为akka.actor.IO的内容。但是,我无法在当前Akka API docs中找到它。我无法从以前的akka​​版本的任何迁移指南中找到它...它是否被移动到某处?或者已弃用?


import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, IO,
                     IOManager, ActorLogging, Props}
  import akka.util.ByteString
  import scala.collection.mutable.Map
  import akka.pattern.ask
  import akka.util.Timeout
  import scala.concurrent.duration._
  import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
  import scala.util.{Success, Failure}

  class TelnetServer(plane: ActorRef) extends Actor
                                         with ActorLogging {
    import TelnetServer._

    // The 'subservers' stores the map of Actors-to-clients that we
    // need in order to route future communications
    val subservers = Map.empty[IO.Handle, ActorRef]

    // Opens the server's socket and starts listening for incoming
    // stuff
    val serverSocket =
      IOManager(context.system).listen("", 31733)

    def receive = {
      // This message is sent by IO when our server officially
      // starts
      case IO.Listening(server, address) =>
        log.info("Telnet Server listeninig on port {}", address)

      // When a client connects (e.g. telnet) we get this
      // message
      case IO.NewClient(server) =>
        log.info("New incoming client connection on server")
        // You must accept the socket, which can pass to the sub
        // server as well as used as a 'key' into our map to know
        // where future communications come from
        val socket = server.accept()
        subservers +=
          (socket ->
           context.actorOf(Props(new SubServer(socket, plane))))

      // Every time we get a message it comes in as a ByteString on
      // this message
      case IO.Read(socket, bytes) =>
        // Convert from ByteString to ascii (helper from companion)
        val cmd = ascii(bytes)
        // Send the message to the subserver, looked up by socket
        subservers(socket) ! NewMessage(cmd)

      // Client closed connection, kill the sub server
      case IO.Closed(socket, cause) =>
        subservers -= socket

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这本书使用akka 2.1.x,而io模块仍然是实验性的,因此很多api已经改变或删除。请参阅migration guide