控制Akka actor中的消息流

时间:2014-04-20 01:30:47

标签: scala akka message-queue actor future


  def receive = {
    case songId: String => {
      Future {
        val futureFile = downloadFile(songId)

        for (file <- futureFile) {
          val fileName = doSomenthingWith(file)
          otherActor ! fileName



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


另一个选项可能是use a pool下载actor并删除未来并允许actor执行此阻止,以便它们一次只能处理一条消息。因为你要让他们阻止,我会建议giving them their own Dispatcher (ExecutionContext)这样阻止不会对主Akka Dispatcher产生负面影响。如果您这样做,那么池大小本身就代表了允许的最大同时下载次数。



我也认为提及Work Pulling Pattern会很好。使用这种方法,您仍然可以使用池,然后使用前面的单个工作分配器。每个工作人员(下载演员)都可以执行下载(仍然使用Future)并且仅在Future完全完成意味着下载完成时才从工作分发者请求新工作(拉)。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


case object AckFileRequest

class ActorExample(otherActor:ActorRef, maxFileRequests:Int = 1) extends Actor {

  var fileRequests = 0

  def receive = {
    case songId: String if fileRequests < maxFileRequests =>
      fileRequests += 1
      val thisActor = self
      Future {
        val futureFile = downloadFile(songId)
        //not sure if you're returning the downloaded file or a future here, 
        //but you can move this to wherever the downloaded file is and ack
        thisActor ! AckFileRequest

        for (file <- futureFile) {
          val fileName = doSomenthingWith(file)
          otherActor ! fileName
    case songId: String =>
      //Do some throttling here
      val thisActor = self
      context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1 second, thisActor, songId)
    case AckFileRequest => fileRequests -= 1


答案 2 :(得分:0)

有一个消息Throttling的contrib实现,described here


// A simple actor that prints whatever it receives
class Printer extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case x => println(x)

val printer = system.actorOf(Props[Printer], "printer")

// The throttler for this example, setting the rate
val throttler = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[TimerBasedThrottler], 3 msgsPer 1.second))

// Set the target
throttler ! SetTarget(Some(printer))
// These three messages will be sent to the printer immediately
throttler ! "1"
throttler ! "2"
throttler ! "3"
// These two will wait at least until 1 second has passed
throttler ! "4"
throttler ! "5"