
时间:2014-04-19 00:46:48

标签: python function


def calculateTuitionIncrease(cost, increase, years):  
    counter = 1  
    costsPerYear = []  
    while counter <= years:  
        cost = (cost)+(cost*increase)  
        counter = counter + 1  
    return costsPerYear

def calculateTotalCost(terms,tuition,creditHours,books,roomAndBoard,scholarships):  
    totalBookCost = (books*terms)  
    totalRoomAndBoard =(roomAndBoard*terms)  
    totalCost = (totalBookCost+tuition+totalRoomAndBoard)-(scholarships)  
    return totalCost


def exitProgram():  
    quitProgram = str(raw_input("Would you like to exit the program (y,n)"))  
    while quitProgram != "y" and quitProgram != "n":  
        quitProgram = str(raw_input("Type 'y' if you would like to exit the program and 'n' if you would like to run it again."))  
    return quitProgram

def main():
    endProgram = "n"
    while endProgram == "n":

        #Variable declaration/initialization
        years = 0
        terms = 0
        numberOfSchools = 0

        tuitionCost1 = 0
        tuitionCost2 = 0
        tuitionCost3 = 0
        tuitionCost = 0

        bookCost = 0
        roomAndBoard = 0
        scholarships = 0

        tuitionIncrease = 0
        adjustedTuitions = 0
        sumOfTuitionCosts = 0
        averageTuitionCost = 0
        totalTuitionCost = 0

        creditHours = 0
        overallCost = 0

        #User inputs
        years = int(input("Will you be going to school for 2, 4 or 6 years?"))

        while years != 2 and years != 4 and years !=6: #Input validation for years.
            years = int(input("Please try again. Do you plan on going to school for 2, 4 or 6 years?"))

        #If-statements for if the user will be attending multiple schools.
        if years == 4 or years == 6:
            numberOfSchools = int(input("How many schools do you plan on attending during this time?"))

        if numberOfSchools == 2:
            tuitionCost1 = int(input("How much will you be paying per credit hour at the first school you'll be attending?"))
            tuitionCost2 = int(input("How much will you be paying per credit hour at the second school you'll be attending?"))
            tuitionCost = (tuitionCost1+tuitionCost2)/(2) #Finds average tuition between schools & assigns it to a variable

        elif numberOfSchools == 3:
            tuitionCost1 = int(input("How much will you be paying per credit hour at the first school you'll be attending?"))
            tuitionCost2 = int(input("How much will you be paying per credit hour at the second school you'll be attending?"))
            tuitionCost3 = int(input("How much will you be paying per credit hour at the third school you'll be attending?"))
            tuitionCost = (tuitionCost1+tuitionCost2+tuitionCost3)/(3) #Finds average tuition cost between schools & assigns it to a variable

            tuitionCost = int(input("Please enter how much you will be paying per credit hour."))

        terms = (years*2)

        #User inputs
        tuitionIncrease = float(input("Please enter the projected tuition increase per year in percentage form (ex. if increase is 7% enter .07)."))
        creditHours = int(input("On average, how many credit hours will you be receiving per term?"))
        roomAndBoard = int(input("Please enter what your price of room and board will be per term."))
        bookCost = int(input("Please enter what your average book cost will be per term."))
        scholarships = int(input("Please enter the total amount you will be recieving from grants and scholarships."))

        #Calls function that calculates tuition increase per year
        adjustedTuitions = calculateTuitionIncrease(tuitionCost, tuitionIncrease, years)

        sumOfTuitionCosts = sum(adjustedTuitions)
        averageTuitionCost = (sumOfTuitionCosts/years) #Average cost of tuition between all schools including the projected tuition increase.
        totalTuitionCost = (averageTuitionCost* creditHours)*(terms) #Calculates total cost of JUST tuition.

        #Calls function that calculates the total cost of all expenses.
        overallCost = calculateTotalCost(terms,totalTuitionCost,creditHours,bookCost,roomAndBoard,scholarships)

        if numberOfSchools ==2 or numberOfSchools ==3:  #Average tuition rate is only displayed if the user is attending more than 1 college.
            print("The average tuition cost per credit hour between the schools you'll be attending, including the projected tuition increase is", round(averageTuitionCost, 2))

        print ("The total estimated cost for your tuition alone is",round(totalTuitionCost, 2)) #total cost of TUITION ONLY.
        print ("Your total estimated college cost with all expenses is", round(overallCost, 2)) #cost for ALL expenses.

        endProgram = exitProgram()#Calls function that lets user choose to end program


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




costs_per_year = [cost * (1+increase)**year for year in range(1, years+1)]



def main():
    while True:
        input_data = get_input()
        results = calculate_results(input_data)
        if ask_to_exit():






此外,Python代码约定是以lower_case_with_underscores格式命名的函数和变量,而不是像您当前使用的那样camelCaseSee PEP 8了解更多Python风格的建议。