
时间:2014-04-18 15:05:53

标签: c# design-patterns repository-pattern


当我们开始对存储库模式使用多个特定于表的查询时,在哪里 这些应该放在哪?服务层或存储库?



class HR_Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
private readonly  LoginDataContext dataContext;
public HR_Repository(LoginDataContext dataContext)
this.dataContext = dataContext;
public void Commit()

public IList<T> FindAll()
    var table = this.LookupTableFor(typeof(T));
    return table.Cast<T>().ToList();

public IQueryable<T> Find()
    var table = this.LookupTableFor(typeof(T));
    return table.Cast<T>();

public void Add(T item)
    var table = this.LookupTableFor(typeof(T));

public void Delete(T item)
    var table = this.LookupTableFor(typeof(T));

private ITable LookupTableFor(Type entityType)
    return dataContext.GetTable(entityType);




public static class UserQueries
        public static Employee ByUserName(this IQueryable<Employee> employees, string username)
            return employees.Where(u => u.User_Name == username).FirstOrDefault();



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



答案 1 :(得分:0)

您还可以做的是将它们封装在它们引用的每个类中。您的第二个静态类具有返回ByUserName对象的方法Employee。您可以将此方法放在Employee类(The Repository:EmployeeRepository)中。但你有很多选择。如果一切都井然有序,那么在团队中工作时应该会更好。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

由于设计模式与存储库/ UnitOfWork模式相比有很多想法,这里是存储库和标准实现的标准实现。业务层。


namespace app.data
    public interface IGenericDataRepository<T> where T : class
        IList<T> GetAll(params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] navigationProperties);
        IList<T> GetList(Func<T, bool> where, params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] navigationProperties);
        T GetSingle(Func<T, bool> where, params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] navigationProperties);
        void Add(params T[] items);
        void Update(params T[] items);
        void Remove(params T[] items);


namespace app.data
    public class GenericDataRepository<T> : IGenericDataRepository<T> where T : class
        public virtual IList<T> GetAll(params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] navigationProperties)
            List<T> list;
            using (var context = new GatePassEntities())
                IQueryable<T> dbQuery = context.Set<T>();

                //Apply eager loading
                foreach (Expression<Func<T, object>> navigationProperty in navigationProperties)
                    dbQuery = dbQuery.Include<T, object>(navigationProperty);

                list = dbQuery
            return list;

        public virtual IList<T> GetList(Func<T, bool> where,
             params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] navigationProperties)
            List<T> list;
            using (var context = new GatePassEntities())
                IQueryable<T> dbQuery = context.Set<T>();

                //Apply eager loading
                foreach (Expression<Func<T, object>> navigationProperty in navigationProperties)
                    dbQuery = dbQuery.Include<T, object>(navigationProperty);

                list = dbQuery
            return list;

        public virtual T GetSingle(Func<T, bool> where,
             params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] navigationProperties)
            T item = null;
            using (var context = new GatePassEntities())
                IQueryable<T> dbQuery = context.Set<T>();

                //Apply eager loading
                foreach (Expression<Func<T, object>> navigationProperty in navigationProperties)
                    dbQuery = dbQuery.Include<T, object>(navigationProperty);

                item = dbQuery
                    .AsNoTracking() //Don't track any changes for the selected item
                    .FirstOrDefault(where); //Apply where clause
            return item;

        public virtual void Add(params T[] items)
            using (var context = new GatePassEntities())
                foreach (T item in items)
                    context.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Added;

        public virtual void Update(params T[] items)
            using (var context = new GatePassEntities())
                foreach (T item in items)
                    context.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified;

        public virtual void Remove(params T[] items)
            using (var context = new GatePassEntities())
                foreach (T item in items)
                    context.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Deleted;


//Domain Models like Employee, Department can be your objectcontext, dbcontext (can be generated by EF or other ORM Tools like T4)
namespace app.data
    public interface IEmployeeRepository : IGenericDataRepository<Employee>

    public interface IDepartmentRepository : IGenericDataRepository<Department>


namespace app.business
    public interface IBusinessLayer
        IList<Employee> GetAllEmployees();
        IList<Employee> GetEmployeesByCountryName(string countryName);
        Employee GetEmployeeByName(string EmployeeName);
        Employee GetEmployeeByIdentityId(int identityId, string EmployeeUniqueIdentityNumber);
        void AddEmployee(params Employee[] Employees);
        void UpdateEmployee(params Employee[] Employees);
        void RemoveEmployee(params Employee[] Employees);

public class BuinessLayer : IBusinessLayer
 private readonly IEmployeeRepository _EmployeeRepository;

        public BuinessLayer()
            _EmployeeRepository = new EmployeeRepository();


        public BuinessLayer(IEmployeeRepository EmployeeRepository)
            _EmployeeRepository = EmployeeRepository;


        public IList<Employee> GetAllEmployees()
            return _EmployeeRepository.GetAll();

        public IList<Employee> GetEmployeesByCountryName(string countryName)
            return _EmployeeRepository.GetList(e => e.Country.Employees.Equals(countryName));

        public Employee GetEmployeeByName(string EmployeeName)
            return _EmployeeRepository.GetSingle(
                d => d.Name.Equals(EmployeeName),
                d => d.Country); //include related employees

        public Employee GetEmployeeByIdentityId(int identityId, string EmployeeUniqueIdentityNumber)
            var EmployeeIdentity = _EmployeeIdentityRepository
                q => q.IdentityId == identityId && q.UniqueIdentityNumber == EmployeeUniqueIdentityNumber);
            Employee Employee = new Employee();
            if (EmployeeIdentity != null)
                Employee = _EmployeeRepository.GetSingle(o => o.EmployeeId == EmployeeIdentity.EmployeeId);
                Employee = null;
            return Employee;

        public void AddEmployee(params Employee[] Employees)
            catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                    foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage);


        public void UpdateEmployee(params Employee[] Employees)
            /* Validation and error handling omitted */

        public void RemoveEmployee(params Employee[] Employees)
            /* Validation and error handling omitted */

