<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>jQuery UI Dialog - Default functionality</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//whosgotbooks.com/jquery/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.css">
<script src="//whosgotbooks.com/jquery/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script src="//whosgotbooks.com/jquery/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.js"></script>
<div id="dialog" title="Google Books Search Results" style="display:none;">
//$("#searchForm").on("submit", function() { return false; });
$(function() {
$( "#dialog" ).dialog({
height: 550, width: 450});
var book_title = '';
switch(this.returnvalues$i) {
case 'btn':
book_title = "$item['volumeInfo']['title']";
$( ".btn" ).click(function(){
$( "#dialog" ).dialog( "close" );
<strong><p style="font-size: 16px; text-align: center";>Top 10 Results for "<?php echo @$_POST['q']; ?>"</p></strong>
<strong><p style="font-size: 14px; text-align: center";>choose a book to select as your topic</p></strong>
<table style="width:400px">
<col width="325">
<col width="75">
<?php foreach ($data['items'] as $item) { ?>
<?php for($i =1; $i <11; $i++) { ?>
<strong><u><div style="font-size: 14px";><?php printf($item['volumeInfo']['title'])?></u></div></strong>
<strong>Author: </strong><?php printf( $item['volumeInfo']['authors'][0])?><br />
<strong>Published: </strong><?php printf( $item['volumeInfo']['publishedDate']); ?><br />
<strong>Page(s): </strong><?php printf( $item['volumeInfo']['pageCount']); ?><br />
<strong>Publisher: </strong><?php printf( $item['volumeInfo']['publisher']); ?><br />
<strong>Category: </strong><?php printf( strtolower($item['volumeInfo']['printType']).', '.strtolower($item['volumeInfo']['categories'][0])); ?>
<strong>ISBN: </strong><?php printf( $item['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][0]['identifier']); ?></td>
<td><p><input type="submit" method="post" name="selectbook" value="Select" class="btn" id="returnvalues$i"/></p>
<img src="<?php printf( rawurldecode($item['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['smallThumbnail'])); ?>" />
<tr><td style="width:420px"><p><strong>Description: </strong><?php printf( $item['volumeInfo']['description']); ?><br /></p></td>
<?php } } }
else {
<p><strong>Sorry, there were no results</strong></p>
<?php }
/* for testing purposes show actual request to API - REMOVE when finished
$apiRequest = $url;
echo '<p>API request: '.$apiRequest.'</p>'; */ ?>
else: //show form and allow the user to check for Google Book search results
<p><form id="searchForm" name="searchForm" method="post">
<fieldset id="searchBox">
<label>Search for a Book:</label>
<input class="text" id="q" name="q" type="text" value="Powered by Google" onfocus="this.value=''; this.onfocus=null;" />
<select id="type" name="type" size="1">
<option selected value="all">Book Title</option>
<option value="isbn">Books by ISBN</option>
<option value="lccn">Books by LCCN #</option>
<option value="oclc">Books by OCLC #</option>
<input class="submit" id="searchForm" name="submit" type="submit" value="Search" />
//$("#searchForm").on("submit", function() { return false; });
$(function() {
$( "#dialog" ).dialog({
height: 550, width: 450});
var book_title = '';
switch(this.returnvalues$i) {
case 'btn':
book_title = "$item['volumeInfo']['title']";
$( ".btn" ).click(function(){
$( "#dialog" ).dialog( "close" );
$(function() {
$( "#dialog" ).dialog({
height: 550, width: 450});
$( ".btn" ).click(function(){
var book_title = $(this).attr('returnvalues$i');
type: "POST",
url: 'book-search-google.php',
data: "book_title=" + book_title,
success: function(data)
$( "#dialog" ).dialog( "close" );