
时间:2014-04-17 20:51:52

标签: javascript angularjs

我想在我的视图结算之前预先加载Angular 中的图像。我正在使用ui-router,所以我假设它看起来像这样:

    .state('home', {
        url: '/',
        templateUrl: './views/home.html',
        controller: 'homeCtrl',
        resolve : {
            Images : ['Images', function(Images) {
                return Images.preload();


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


projector.factory('imagePreloader', function() {
  var service = {};

   * To use the service, inject it into your controller then call:
   * imagePreloader.preLoadImages with the following paremeters
   * @param images - a flat array of image URL's
   * @param strategy - "linear" or "parallel" - linear will load one image at a time in the order they appear in the array. Parallel
   *                    will attempt to load all images at once
   * @param finish_cb - function() - the success callback
   * @param status_cb - function(percent_complete, imageDomelement) - a status function that fires after each image has been loaded
   * @param error_cb - function(err) - error handler that will trigger for any errors

  service.preLoadImages = function(images, strategy, finish_cb, status_cb, error_cb) {

    var image_cnt = images.length;
    var loaded_cnt=0;

    var error_handler = function(err) {
      if (typeof(error_cb) == 'function') {
        error_cb( err );

    if (strategy == 'linear') {

      var loadImage;
      var loadImage = function() {

        var image_loaded_cb = function(ev) {

          if (typeof(status_cb) == 'function') {
            status_cb( ~~(100 * loaded_cnt / image_cnt), ev.path[0] );

          if (images.length > 0) {

          if (loaded_cnt == image_cnt) {


        var next = function() {
          var imgUrl = images.shift();
          var image = angular.element(new Image()).bind('load', image_loaded_cb )
            .bind('error', error_handler)
            .attr('src', imgUrl)


    } else if (strategy =='parallel') {

      var image_loaded_cb = function(ev) {
        if (typeof(status_cb) == 'function') {
          status_cb( ~~(100 * loaded_cnt / image_cnt), ev.path[0] );

        if (loaded_cnt == image_cnt) {

      angular.forEach(images, function(imgUrl) {

        var image = angular.element(new Image()).bind('load', image_loaded_cb )
          .bind('error', error_handler)
          .attr('src', imgUrl)


    } else {
      throw new Error('Invalid strategy. Should either be "parallel" or "linear"')

  return service;


app.controller('HomeController', function($scope, $http, $timeout, $location, imagePreloader) {

  //testing image preloader

  var images = [

  var status_cb = function(status_pct, img) { console.log('Done percent:', status_pct, img )};

  var finish_cb = function() { console.log("All done!"); }

  imagePreloader.preLoadImages(images, 'parallel', finish_cb, status_cb);
