
时间:2014-04-17 17:57:38

标签: powershell runspace




# Max Runspaces
$Throttle = 5 #threads

# What is the total number of events to pull?
$eventMax = 10

# Which event log do we want to pull from?
$eventLog = "System"

$eventEntryID = "7023"

$eventMessage = "The Windows Modules Installer service terminated with the following error: 
The configuration registry database is corrupt."

# What is our source file, the one with ll the file names.
$computers = Get-Content "c:\temp\Louis\hostsins.txt"

# What is our CSV file
$outFile = "c:\temp\Louis\SearchEventLogResultsINS.csv"

$ScriptBlock = {
    Param (

    $RunResult = Get-WinEvent -Oldest  -ComputerName $sComputer -FilterHashtable @{LogName = $eventLog; ID = $eventEntryID;} | 
                 where{$_.Message -eq $eventMessage} | 
                 Select machinename, TimeCreated, ID, LevelDisplayname, Message 
    write-host $RunResult

    Return $RunResult

$RunspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Throttle)
$Jobs = @()

$computers | % {

   write-host $_

   $Job = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($_)
   $Job.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
   $Jobs += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        RunNum = $_
        Pipe = $Job
        Result = $Job.BeginInvoke()

Write-Host "Running.." -NoNewline
Do {
    Write-Host "." -NoNewline
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} While ( $Jobs.Result.IsCompleted -contains $false)
Write-Host "All jobs completed!"

$Results = @()
ForEach ($Job in $Jobs){
    $Results += $Job.Pipe.EndInvoke($Job.Result)

$Results | Export-Csv $outFile

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


我看到你用.addargument($ _)传入每台计算机。没什么别的。 Runspaces非常适合速度,但由于这样的问题而不太方便。

如需更多阅读,请查看Dave Wyatt's post,其中包含其他参考资料。请务必翻阅initialsessionstate,runspacefactory,runspacepool和powershell上的MSDN文档,并在提示符下探索和试验各种属性和方法。


# Max Runspaces
$Throttle = 5 #threads

#Throw the stuff you want to pass in into a hashtable or whatever vehicle meets your needs
$params = @{
    eventMax = 10
    eventLog = "System"
    eventEntryID = "7023"
    eventmessage = "The Windows Modules Installer service terminated with the following error: 
The configuration registry database is corrupt."
    computer = $_

# What is our source file, the one with ll the file names.
$computers = Get-Content "c:\temp\Louis\hostsins.txt"

# What is our CSV file
$outFile = "c:\temp\Louis\SearchEventLogResultsINS.csv"

$ScriptBlock = {
    Param (

    $RunResult = Get-WinEvent -Oldest  -ComputerName $hash.computer -FilterHashtable @{LogName = $hash.eventLog; ID = $hash.eventEntryID;} | 
                 where{$_.Message -eq $hash.eventMessage} | 
                 Select machinename, TimeCreated, ID, LevelDisplayname, Message 
    write-host $RunResult

    Return $RunResult

$RunspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Throttle)
$Jobs = @()

$computers | % {

    $params = @{
        eventLog = "System"
        eventEntryID = "7023"
        eventmessage = "The Windows Modules Installer service terminated with the following error: 
    The configuration registry database is corrupt."
        computer = $_

   write-host $_

   $Job = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($params)
   $Job.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
   $Jobs += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        RunNum = $_
        Pipe = $Job
        Result = $Job.BeginInvoke()

Write-Host "Running.." -NoNewline
Do {
    Write-Host "." -NoNewline
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} While ( $Jobs.Result.IsCompleted -contains $false)
Write-Host "All jobs completed!"

$Results = @()
ForEach ($Job in $Jobs){
    $Results += $Job.Pipe.EndInvoke($Job.Result)

$Results | Export-Csv $outFile
