
时间:2014-04-16 21:13:35

标签: angularjs-directive dart angular-dart

我想定义一个新的映射注释。例如,如果属性看起来像控制器值,@ NgAttr会自动添加小胡子(大括号{{和}}),这不是很好吗?因此,无论我是否写

    <pui-input pattern="{{ctrl.pattern}}" ng-model="ctrl.value">

    <pui-input pattern="ctrl.pattern" ng-model="ctrl.value">


     * When applied as an annotation on a directive field specifies that
     * the field is to be mapped to DOM attribute with the provided [attrName].
     * The value of the attribute to be treated as a string, equivalent
     * to `@` specification.
     * If the value of the attribute looks like a property of a controller, it
     * is surrounded by a mustache ({{ }}) if it is missing.
    class PuiAttr extends AttrFieldAnnotation {
      final mappingSpec = '@';
      const PuiAttr(String attrName) : super(attrName);

      String get attrName => addMustache(super.attrName);

      String addMustache(String attrName)
        if (attrName.indexOf("{{") == 0) // Todo: find a nice regexp
          if (attrName.indexOf("\.")>0)
              return "{{$attrName}}";
        return attrName;

请注意,胡子只是一个例子。我的问题是,是否可以将自定义映射添加到标准集@NgAttr,@ NonOneWay,@ NTTwoWay,@ NgOneWayOneTime和@NgCallback。


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