function expand(div_block_id, expansion_class, original_class, time, callback_function_original, callback_function_expand) {
console.log("entered expand");
var id = '#' + div_block_id; //ID received by function
counter = counters[div_block_id + '_counter']; //Associates the counter per div block respectively
//Original ID of style
$(id).click(function () {
console.log("entered expand on click");
//If the click counter is even then animate back to original state
if (++counter % 2 == 0) {
console.log('counter =>'+counter);
console.log('counter array index value ='+ counters[div_block_id + '_counter']);
counters[div_block_id + '_counter'] = counter;
console.log("entered expand if");
$(this).animate(original_class, {
duration: time, //animation duration
start: callback_function_original //make animation happen symultaneously with callback
console.log("animated original class");
} else {
counters[div_block_id + '_counter'] = counter;
console.log("entered expand else");
//Expand to desired css
$(this).animate(expansion_class, {
duration: time,
start: callback_function_expand //make animation happen symultaneously with callback
console.log("animated expand class");
console.log(div_block_id + '=' + counters[div_block_id + '_counter']);
//Reset counter on every uneven click so it wont get bigger
//counters[div_block_id + '_counter'] = 0;
console.log("exited expand");
我有一个基本的if else情况,它假设检测偶数和奇数点击
if(++counter % 2 == 0){
...add some animations
do some other animation