
时间:2014-04-16 02:29:58

标签: css3


.newspaper {height:100%; - webkit-columns:100px 5; -webkit-column-rule-width:1px; -webkit-column-rule-style:solid; -webkit-column-rule-color:红色;   }


.newspaper h1:nth-​​of-type(4){ - webkit-column-break-after:avoid; border:solid 1px red}

<div class="newspaper">
    <h1>The header of the first column</h1>
    <div>Some content within Some content within Some content within Some content within</div>
    <h1>The header of the second column</h1>
    <div>Some content within</div>
    <h1>The header of the third column</h1>
    <div>Some content within Some content within Some content within Some content within Some content within Some content within Some content within Some content within</div>
    <h1>The header of the fourth column</h1>
    <div>Some content within  Some content within Some content within Some content within</div>

从代码中,第四个H4元素是否应该跟div元素一起? 它似乎没有像我预期的那样工作,这是正确的吗? 或者浏览器不支持该选项吗?

如果我将选项设置为&#39;左,右或始终&#39;,则会显示所有相同的视图。 &#39;自动避免&#39;也显示相同的观点。这是为什么?有没有条件使用这些选项?


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