
时间:2014-04-15 22:04:18

标签: c++ arrays integer const

这是访问IntegerSet数组的数组类。 您需要访问IntegerSet的指针 ptr GetPtr();

您需要访问IntegerSet的容量 GetCapacity();

GetPtr()const 到const IntegerSet类。

class IntegerSet
    int capacity;
    int nelements;
    int * ptr;
public :
IntegerSet(int  size);
int * GetPtr() const {return ptr;};
int Getcapacity() const {return capacity;};
IntegerSet &  operator =(const IntegerSet & rhs1);
friend IntegerSet  operator +(const IntegerSet & rhs1,const IntegerSet & rhs2);

IntegerSet::IntegerSet(int  size)
capacity = size;
ptr = new int [capacity];
if(ptr==null) cout << "error allocation"<< endl;

if (ptr) delete ptr;
IntegerSet & IntegerSet::operator =(const IntegerSet & rhs1)
int capacity_=rhs1.Getcapacity();
int *rptr1=rhs1.GetPtr();
for (int i=0;i<capacity_;i++)
ptr[i]=rptr1[i]; // ptr is pointer of class IntegerSet 
return *this;
 //this function friend of class IntegerSet is extern ..
IntegerSet  operator +(const IntegerSet & rhs1,const int& rhs2)
int capacity_=rhs1.Getcapacity();
IntegerSet  temp(capacity_);
int *rptr1=rhs1.GetPtr();
int *tptr=temp.GetPtr();
for (int i=0;i<capacity_;i++)
return temp;

两个函数 int * GetPtr()const int * GetPtr(); 之间有什么区别?

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