
时间:2014-04-15 19:19:01

标签: string input terminate masm32



prompt1 BYTE "Please Input a sentence.",0Dh,0Ah,0

Main Proc
mov edx,OFFSET prompt1
call WriteString

call ReadString
main ENDP
main END


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

从MASM论坛(posting here)找到了一个很好的例子。代码不是我的,但我之前写过这样的代码。

        INCLUDE \masm32\include\




_main   PROC

        print   chr$('Press Esc to Exit'),13,10
        jmp short kloop2

kloop1: INVOKE  Sleep,40

kloop2: call    InKyb
        jz      kloop1

        push    eax
        cmp     ah,0
        jz      kloop3

        push    2020h
        jmp short kloop4

kloop3: mov     ah,20h
        push    eax

kloop4: print   esp
        pop     edx
        pop     eax
        push    eax
        print   right$(uhex$(eax),4),13,10
        pop     eax
        cmp     eax,1Bh
        jnz     kloop2


_main   ENDP


InKyb   PROC

;Polled Keyboard Input - DednDave 8, 2010
;This function returns a keystroke in EAX if there is one in the buffer.
;If the buffer is empty, the function returns immediately.
;If the keyboard buffer is empty, AH = 0, AL = 0, ZF = 1.
;If the stroke is a regular key, AH = 0, AL = key char, ZF = 0.
;If the stroke is an extended key, AH = extended key, AL = E0h, ZF = 0.
;If the stroke is a function key, AH = function key, AL = 0, ZF = 0.
;ECX, EDX are not preserved.

        call    crt__kbhit
        or      eax,eax
        jz      InKyb1

        call    crt__getch
        and     eax,0FFh
        jz      InKyb0

        cmp     al,0E0h
        jnz     InKyb1

InKyb0: push    eax
        call    crt__getch
        pop     edx
        shl     eax,8
        or      eax,edx

InKyb1: retn

InKyb   ENDP


        END     _main

答案 1 :(得分:1)


prompt1 BYTE "Please Input a sentence.",0Dh,0Ah,0

    mov edx,OFFSET prompt1
    call WriteString

    call ReadString

    push    VK_F23
    call    WaitForKeyPress

WaitForKeyPress proc VKey:byte
    mov     eax, 10
    call    Delay
    call    ReadKey
    jz      ReadIt    
    cmp     ah, VKey    
    jne     ReadIt
WaitForKeyPress endp
END Main

对于我的键盘,我需要传递VK_F23以退出 F12 按键。您可以尝试将VK_F12传递给WaitForKeyPress,看看系统上发生了什么