创建一个有效的递归函数来对List <template>类</template>进行排序

时间:2014-04-15 17:09:52

标签: c++ sorting recursion merge linked-list

这是关于Stack Overflow的第一个问题所以请保持温和。提前感谢您的任何回复,您似乎真的知道您在机器峰值时所做的事情。

我一直在构建一个Linked List工具包模板,我需要做的最后一个补充是sort()函数和merge()函数。


  struct node
            Item data;              // the variable containing the data in the node.
            node* next;             // the pointer to the next node in the list.
            node( Item _data, node* _next = NULL )  // constructor to build a node when data or the link is already known
                data = _data;       
                next = _next;
 node* head;


template <class Item>
bool List<Item>::sorted( )
    node* cursor;       // allocate a node pointer for traversal

    for ( cursor = head; cursor != NULL; cursor = cursor->next)     // loop from head until NULL
        if ( cursor->data > cursor->next->data )
            return false;       // if we ever find that the data in a node is greater than the data in the next node, return false

    return true;        // if we reach this point, the list is in ascending order


现在; merge()函数(请注意,如果我可以进行排序工作,断言将被替换为对sort()的两次调用!)

template <class Item>
    List<Item> List<Item>::merge(List<Item>& list1, List<Item>& list2)
    {          // libraries used: <algorithm> for sort() and <cassert> for assert();

        if ( list1.head == NULL )   // if the first list is empty, just return the second list
            return list2;
        if ( list2.head == NULL )   // if the second list is empty, just return the first list
            return list1;

        assert ( sorted() && otherList.sorted() );    // if this assertion is false, the function will not work.

        List<Item> newList;

        node* cursor1 = head;
        node* cursor2 = otherList.head;

        while ( cursor1 != NULL && cursor2 != NULL )
            if (cursor1 == NULL)
                while (cursor2 != NULL)
                    cursor2 = cursor2->next;
            if (cursor2 == NULL)
                while (cursor1 != NULL)
                    cursor1 = cursor1->next;
            if (cursor1->data < cursor2->data)
                cursor1 = cursor1->next;
            if (cursor2->data < cursor1->data)
                cursor2 = cursor2->next;
                if (cursor1->data == cursor2->data)
                    cursor1 = cursor1->next;
                    cursor2 = cursor2->next;

        head = newList.head;


void List<Item>::sort( )


void List<Item>::merge(List<Item>& L2)







 template <class Item>
    void List<Item>::sort( )
        if ( head == NULL || head->next == NULL )   // the list is empty or contains only one node, so it doesn't require sorting

        node* cursor = head;        // the cursor will be used for traversal
        node* smallest = head;      // this will always point to the node with the lowest data value
        node* was_smallest = head;  // tthis will point to the smallest data if a smaller value is found by the cursor
        node* back = head;          // this is a previous pointer, pointing at the node behind the cursor
        node* temp;                 // I always declare a temporary cursor just in case, it will be returned to heap anyway

        while ( cursor != NULL )        //cursor has originated at the head, and will go until it reaches NULL
            if ( cursor->data < smallest->data )        // compare the data to the current smallest data
                was_smallest = back;        // if the smallest was trumped by the cursor's data, set was_smallest to smallest
                smallest = cursor;          // smallest is where the cursor is pointing
        back = cursor;              // always point back at where the cursor is
        cursor = cursor->next;      // THEN move the cursor, back is pointing at the previous node

        if ( head != smallest )     // if the head is not the smallest (it SHOULD be!)
            was_smallest->next = head;      // link was_smallest to the new head, essentially making it the new head
            temp = head->next;              // first use of temp, point it after the head
            head->next = smallest->next;    // after the head ( not TEMP! ) is linked from the new head (smallest)
            smallest->next = temp;          // link smallest to the head's link

        //  I believe I need a recursive call here I think (head != smallest) is the base case?


       template <class Item>
        void List<Item>::merge(List<Item>& otherList)
        {          // libraries used: <algorithm> for sort() and <cassert> for assert();

            if ( list1.head == NULL )   // if the first list is empty, just return the second list
                return list2;
            if ( list2.head == NULL )   // if the second list is empty, just return the first list
                return list1;

            assert ( sorted() && otherList.sorted() );    // if this assertion is false, the function will not work.

            List<Item> newList;

            node* cursor1 = head;
            node* cursor2 = otherList.head;

            while ( cursor1 != NULL && cursor2 != NULL )
                if (cursor1 == NULL)
                    while (cursor2 != NULL)
                        cursor2 = cursor2->next;
                if (cursor2 == NULL)
                    while (cursor1 != NULL)
                        cursor1 = cursor1->next;
                if (cursor1->data < cursor2->data)
                    cursor1 = cursor1->next;
                if (cursor2->data < cursor1->data)
                    cursor2 = cursor2->next;
                    if (cursor1->data == cursor2->data)
                        cursor1 = cursor1->next;
                        cursor2 = cursor2->next;
            head = newList.head;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  • 将输入分成两个(大致相当于大小的)列表
  • 独立排序
  • 将结果合并在一起


void List::sort(); // ignoring template arguments here



void List::merge(List & other);


答案 1 :(得分:0)

递归地将列表拆分为子列表以进行排序是低效的。 HP / Microsoft STL std :: list :: sort使用一个指向节点的n个指针数组,其中array [i]是一个大小为2 ^ i的列表(除了数组[n-1]可以更大),加上一个临时指针到一个节点。节点被&#34;合并&#34;一次一个地进入数组。合并一个所有节点,然后合并该数组以创建排序列表。

您还可以使用指向节点的4个指针(2&#34;源&#34;,2&#34;目标&#34; poitners)和子列表大小计数(1)实现更传统的自下而上排序,2,4,8,...,直到&gt; =列表的大小)


#define NUMLISTS 32                     /* number of lists */

typedef unsigned long long UI64;

/*      MergeLists() casts an instance of LIST to NODE      */
/*      and uses NODE.next as the equivalent of LIST.first  */

typedef struct _NODE{
struct _NODE * next;        /* must be first member of NODE */
UI64 data;

typedef struct _LIST{
NODE *first;                /* must be first member of LIST */

/*      data                                                            */
static LIST aList[NUMLISTS];    /* array of lists */

/*      SortList                                                        */
void SortList(LIST *pList)
NODE * pNode;
LIST mList;                             /* merged list */
int i;

    if(pList == NULL)                   /* check for null ptr */

    /* merge nodes into aList[] */
    while(NULL != (pNode = GetFirstNode(pList))){

    /* find 1st non empty aList[] */
    for(i = 0; (i < NUMLISTS) && (aList[i].first == NULL); i++);
    if(i >= NUMLISTS){                  /* if all empty */
        pList->first = NULL;            /*   return null list */

    pList->first = aList[i].first;      /* plist = aList[i] */
    aList[i].first = NULL;              /* clear aList[i] (optional) */

    for(i++; i < NUMLISTS; i++){        /* merge remaining aList[] */
        if(aList[i].first != NULL){
            MergeLists(&mList, &aList[i], pList);
            pList->first = mList.first;

/*      MergeNode   merge a node into the array of lists                */
void MergeNode(NODE *pNode)
LIST sList;                             /* source list */
LIST mList;                             /* merged list */
int i;

    if(pNode == NULL)                   /* return if null ptr */

    sList.first = pNode;                /* src list = node */

    /* merge into array */
    for(i = 0; (i < NUMLISTS) && (aList[i].first != NULL); i++){
        MergeLists(&mList, &aList[i], &sList);
        sList.first = mList.first;
    if(i == NUMLISTS)                   /* update array */
    aList[i].first = sList.first;

/*      MergeLists  dst = merge(src1, src2)                             */
void MergeLists(LIST *plDst, LIST *plSrc1, LIST *plSrc2)
NODE *pDst, *pSrc1, *pSrc2;             /* node ptrs */

    pDst = (NODE *)plDst;               /* treat list same as node */
    pSrc1 = GetFirstNode(plSrc1);       /* init ptrs to nodes */
    pSrc2 = GetFirstNode(plSrc2);

        if(pSrc2->data < pSrc1->data){  /* if src2 < src1 */
            pDst->next = pSrc2;
            pDst = pDst->next;
            /* if end of src2, dst = rest of src1 */
            if(NULL == (pSrc2 = GetFirstNode(plSrc2))){
                pSrc1->next = plSrc1->first;
                pDst->next = pSrc1;
                plSrc1->first = NULL;
        } else {                        /* src1 <= src2 */
            pDst->next = pSrc1;
            pDst = pDst->next;
            /* if end of src1, dst = rest of src2 */
            if(NULL == (pSrc1 = GetFirstNode(plSrc1))){
                pSrc2->next = plSrc2->first;
                pDst->next = pSrc2;
                plSrc2->first = NULL;

/*      GetFirstNode                                                    */
NODE * GetFirstNode(LIST * pSrc)
NODE * pNode;

    if(pSrc == NULL)                        /* return if null ptr */
        return NULL;
    pNode = pSrc->first;                    /* get node */
    if(pNode != NULL){
        pSrc->first = pNode->next;          /* advance list ptr */
        pNode->next = NULL;                 /* reset node ptr */
    return pNode;