# Configuration data
[string] $server = "Demo123"; # SQL Server Instance
[string] $database = "Test212"; # Database with the tables to script out.
[string] $folder = "C:\Testing"; # Path to export to
# Reference to SMO
$srv = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $server;
#This sets the connection to mixed-mode authentication
#This sets the login name
#This sets the password
$db = $srv.Databases[$database];
# Configuration for scripting options: Which related objects should also be scripted?
$so = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions;
$so.DriAllConstraints = $true;
$so.DriAllKeys = $true;
$so.DriClustered = $true;
$so.DriDefaults = $true;
$so.DriIndexes = $true;
$so.DriNonClustered = $true;
$so.DriPrimaryKey = $true;
$so.DriUniqueKeys = $true;
$so.AnsiFile = $true;
$so.ClusteredIndexes = $true;
$so.IncludeHeaders = $true;
$so.Indexes = $true;
$so.SchemaQualify = $true;
$so.Triggers = $true;
$so.XmlIndexes = $true;
$loop = 0;
$script = "";
$spBody = "";
$head = "";
foreach ($sp in $db.StoredProcedures)
if (!$sp.IsSystemObject){
$script = $script + [Environment]::NewLine + "GO" + [Environment]::NewLine + "SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON" + [Environment]::NewLine + "GO" + [Environment]::NewLine
$script =$script + [string]::Format("IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[{0}].[{1}]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))", $sp.Schema, $sp.Name);
$script = $script + [Environment]::NewLine + "DROP PROCEDURE " + "[" + $sp.Schema + "]" + "." + "[" + $sp.Name + "]" + [Environment]::NewLine;
$script = $script + "GO"+ [Environment]::NewLine
#To add set quoted identifier on
$head = $sp.TextHeader
$script = $script + $head;
$spBody = $sp.TextBody
$script = $script + $spBody.Trim() + [Environment]::NewLine + "GO" + [Environment]::NewLine ;
$script | out-File D:\Test\Scripts.sql -Append
Write-Output (": SP " + $sp.Name);
Write-Output ((Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss) + ": Finished --- Total SPs : " + ($loop));