以下是执行各向异性扩散的python代码,但是当我通过anaconda / ipython笔记本运行时没有发生任何事情,我假设需要输入图像,任何帮助将不胜感激。
import numpy as np
import warnings
def anisodiff(img,niter=1,kappa=50,gamma=0.1,step=(1.,1.),option=1,ploton=False):
Anisotropic diffusion.
imgout = anisodiff(im, niter, kappa, gamma, option)
img - input image
niter - number of iterations
kappa - conduction coefficient 20-100 ?
gamma - max value of .25 for stability
step - tuple, the distance between adjacent pixels in (y,x)
option - 1 Perona Malik diffusion equation No 1
2 Perona Malik diffusion equation No 2
ploton - if True, the image will be plotted on every iteration
imgout - diffused image.
kappa controls conduction as a function of gradient. If kappa is low
small intensity gradients are able to block conduction and hence diffusion
across step edges. A large value reduces the influence of intensity
gradients on conduction.
gamma controls speed of diffusion (you usually want it at a maximum of
step is used to scale the gradients in case the spacing between adjacent
pixels differs in the x and y axes
Diffusion equation 1 favours high contrast edges over low contrast ones.
Diffusion equation 2 favours wide regions over smaller ones.
P. Perona and J. Malik.
Scale-space and edge detection using ansotropic diffusion.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
12(7):629-639, July 1990.
Original MATLAB code by Peter Kovesi
School of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
pk @ csse uwa edu au
Translated to Python and optimised by Alistair Muldal
Department of Pharmacology
University of Oxford
June 2000 original version.
March 2002 corrected diffusion eqn No 2.
July 2012 translated to Python
# ...you could always diffuse each color channel independently if you
# really want
if img.ndim == 3:
warnings.warn("Only grayscale images allowed, converting to 2D matrix")
img = img.mean(2)
# initialize output array
img = img.astype('float32')
imgout = img.copy()
# initialize some internal variables
deltaS = np.zeros_like(imgout)
deltaE = deltaS.copy()
NS = deltaS.copy()
EW = deltaS.copy()
gS = np.ones_like(imgout)
gE = gS.copy()
# create the plot figure, if requested
if ploton:
import pylab as pl
from time import sleep
fig = pl.figure(figsize=(20,5.5),num="Anisotropic diffusion")
ax1,ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1),fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
ih = ax2.imshow(imgout,interpolation='nearest',animated=True)
ax1.set_title("Original image")
ax2.set_title("Iteration 0")
for ii in xrange(niter):
# calculate the diffs
deltaS[:-1,: ] = np.diff(imgout,axis=0)
deltaE[: ,:-1] = np.diff(imgout,axis=1)
# conduction gradients (only need to compute one per dim!)
if option == 1:
gS = np.exp(-(deltaS/kappa)**2.)/step[0]
gE = np.exp(-(deltaE/kappa)**2.)/step[1]
elif option == 2:
gS = 1./(1.+(deltaS/kappa)**2.)/step[0]
gE = 1./(1.+(deltaE/kappa)**2.)/step[1]
# update matrices
E = gE*deltaE
S = gS*deltaS
# subtract a copy that has been shifted 'North/West' by one
# pixel. don't as questions. just do it. trust me.
NS[:] = S
EW[:] = E
NS[1:,:] -= S[:-1,:]
EW[:,1:] -= E[:,:-1]
# update the image
imgout += gamma*(NS+EW)
if ploton:
iterstring = "Iteration %i" %(ii+1)
# sleep(0.01)
return imgout
def anisodiff3(stack,niter=1,kappa=50,gamma=0.1,step=(1.,1.,1.),option=1,ploton=False):
3D Anisotropic diffusion.
stackout = anisodiff(stack, niter, kappa, gamma, option)
stack - input stack
niter - number of iterations
kappa - conduction coefficient 20-100 ?
gamma - max value of .25 for stability
step - tuple, the distance between adjacent pixels in (z,y,x)
option - 1 Perona Malik diffusion equation No 1
2 Perona Malik diffusion equation No 2
ploton - if True, the middle z-plane will be plotted on every
stackout - diffused stack.
kappa controls conduction as a function of gradient. If kappa is low
small intensity gradients are able to block conduction and hence diffusion
across step edges. A large value reduces the influence of intensity
gradients on conduction.
gamma controls speed of diffusion (you usually want it at a maximum of
step is used to scale the gradients in case the spacing between adjacent
pixels differs in the x,y and/or z axes
Diffusion equation 1 favours high contrast edges over low contrast ones.
Diffusion equation 2 favours wide regions over smaller ones.
P. Perona and J. Malik.
Scale-space and edge detection using ansotropic diffusion.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
12(7):629-639, July 1990.
Original MATLAB code by Peter Kovesi
School of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
pk @ csse uwa edu au
Translated to Python and optimised by Alistair Muldal
Department of Pharmacology
University of Oxford
June 2000 original version.
March 2002 corrected diffusion eqn No 2.
July 2012 translated to Python
# ...you could always diffuse each color channel independently if you
# really want
if stack.ndim == 4:
warnings.warn("Only grayscale stacks allowed, converting to 3D matrix")
stack = stack.mean(3)
# initialize output array
stack = stack.astype('float32')
stackout = stack.copy()
# initialize some internal variables
deltaS = np.zeros_like(stackout)
deltaE = deltaS.copy()
deltaD = deltaS.copy()
NS = deltaS.copy()
EW = deltaS.copy()
UD = deltaS.copy()
gS = np.ones_like(stackout)
gE = gS.copy()
gD = gS.copy()
# create the plot figure, if requested
if ploton:
import pylab as pl
from time import sleep
showplane = stack.shape[0]//2
fig = pl.figure(figsize=(20,5.5),num="Anisotropic diffusion")
ax1,ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1),fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
ih = ax2.imshow(stackout[showplane,...].squeeze(),interpolation='nearest',animated=True)
ax1.set_title("Original stack (Z = %i)" %showplane)
ax2.set_title("Iteration 0")
for ii in xrange(niter):
# calculate the diffs
deltaD[:-1,: ,: ] = np.diff(stackout,axis=0)
deltaS[: ,:-1,: ] = np.diff(stackout,axis=1)
deltaE[: ,: ,:-1] = np.diff(stackout,axis=2)
# conduction gradients (only need to compute one per dim!)
if option == 1:
gD = np.exp(-(deltaD/kappa)**2.)/step[0]
gS = np.exp(-(deltaS/kappa)**2.)/step[1]
gE = np.exp(-(deltaE/kappa)**2.)/step[2]
elif option == 2:
gD = 1./(1.+(deltaD/kappa)**2.)/step[0]
gS = 1./(1.+(deltaS/kappa)**2.)/step[1]
gE = 1./(1.+(deltaE/kappa)**2.)/step[2]
# update matrices
D = gD*deltaD
E = gE*deltaE
S = gS*deltaS
# subtract a copy that has been shifted 'Up/North/West' by one
# pixel. don't as questions. just do it. trust me.
UD[:] = D
NS[:] = S
EW[:] = E
UD[1:,: ,: ] -= D[:-1,: ,: ]
NS[: ,1:,: ] -= S[: ,:-1,: ]
EW[: ,: ,1:] -= E[: ,: ,:-1]
# update the image
stackout += gamma*(UD+NS+EW)
if ploton:
iterstring = "Iteration %i" %(ii+1)
# sleep(0.01)
return stackout
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这是一些示例使用代码。将上面的代码粘贴到iPython单元格中,然后按control + Enter。然后将下面的代码粘贴到下面的单元格中,按下Ctrl + Enter键,您会看到两个图像 - 原始图像和平滑结果。
您可以使用from scipy.misc import imread
并执行im = imread("my_file_name.png")
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage.data import lena
im = lena()[..., 0]
result = anisodiff(im, niter=10, kappa=25)
plt.imshow(im, cmap="Greys_r")
plt.imshow(result, cmap="Greys_r")