我能够通过利用NOT EXISTS找到我的解决方案。因此,我的陈述看起来像这样:
and NOT EXISTS (select RejectCode from #rejects where od.UnitDescription LIKE ('%' + RejectCode + '%'))
发布 - > CTE - >临时表(不能在CTE之后立即分配变量) - >加入LIKE - >不存在
我试图用很多条件过滤查询 - 下面的嵌套选择语句返回184个拒绝代码。我有一个单位描述回来是一个VARCHAR(100),里面包含一个代码(不在静态点)。
select od.*, o.*
from OrderDetails od
join Orders o ON o.oKey = od.oKey
where CustomerID = '104'
and od.UnitDescription NOT LIKE (select RejectCode
from [CustDiscountTables].[dbo].RejectDiscount
where GroupID = '15'
AND (DiscountPercent = '1'
or DiscountPercent = '.4'
or DiscountPercent = '.2'))
以前我只需要过滤几个代码,所以我只是做了#34;并且(od.UnitDescription NOT LIKE'%a%'和od.UnitDescription NOT LIKE&#39 ;%b%'和...等)。我的问题是:如何使用NOT LIKE或类似的东西(因为UnitDescription不是静态的并且包含的不仅仅是拒绝代码),来过滤嵌套select语句返回的所有代码?我真的注定要写出" NOT LIKE" 184次?
答案 0 :(得分:2)
以下是我将如何操作 - 我无法看到您的确切示例,因此您可能需要在条件表中使用不同的列。
with criteria as
select 15 as groupid, '1' as discountpercent
union all
select 15 as groupid, '.4' as discountpercent
union all
select 15 as groupid, '.2' as discountpercent
), rejects
select distinct RejectCode
from [CustDiscountTables].[dbo].RejectDiscount rd
join criteria c on c.groupid = rd.GroupID and c.discountpercent = rd.DiscountPercent
select od.*, o.*
from OrderDetails od
join Orders o ON o.oKey = od.oKey
where CustomerID = '104'
and od.UnitDescription NOT LIKE (select RejectCode from rejects)
with criteria as
select 15 as groupid, '1' as discountpercent
union all
select 15 as groupid, '.4' as discountpercent
union all
select 15 as groupid, '.2' as discountpercent
), critera2 as
select 1 as foo, '1' as fab
union all
select 2 as foo, '2' as fab
union all
select 3 as foo, '3' as fab
), rejects as
select distinct RejectCode
from [CustDiscountTables].[dbo].RejectDiscount rd
join criteria c on c.groupid = rd.GroupID and c.discountpercent = rd.DiscountPercent
select distinct RejectCode
from foofabrejectlist foofab
join criteria2 c2 on c2.foo = foofab.foo and c2.fab = foofab.fab
select od.*, o.*
from OrderDetails od
join Orders o ON o.oKey = od.oKey
where CustomerID = '104'
and od.UnitDescription NOT LIKE (select RejectCode from rejects)
select od.*, o.*
from OrderDetails od
join Orders o ON o.oKey = od.oKey
left join rejects on od.UnitDescription = rejects.RejectCode
where CustomerID = '104'
and rejects.RejectCode is null
答案 1 :(得分:2)
select od.*, o.*
from OrderDetails od
join Orders o ON o.oKey = od.oKey
where CustomerID = '104' and od.id not in (select od2.id
from OrderDetails od2
inner join [CustDiscountTables].[dbo].RejectDiscount rd on od2.UnitDescription LIKE '%' + rejectCode + '%'
where od2.CustomerID = '104'
and rd.GroupID = '15'
and (rd.DiscountPercent = '1'
or rd.DiscountPercent = '.4'
or rd.DiscountPercent = '.2'))
答案 2 :(得分:0)
通配符的“RejectCode”,您可以通过使用字符串连接来解决这个问题。我的想法是LIKE '%abc%`` is equivalent to
select od.*, o.*
from OrderDetails od
join Orders o ON o.oKey = od.oKey
where CustomerID = '104'
and od.UnitDescription NOT LIKE '%' + (select RejectCode
from [CustDiscountTables].[dbo].RejectDiscount
where GroupID = '15'
AND (DiscountPercent = '1'
or DiscountPercent = '.4'
or DiscountPercent = '.2')) + '%'
答案 3 :(得分:-1)
select od.*, o.*
from OrderDetails od
join Orders o ON o.oKey = od.oKey
where CustomerID = '104'
and od.UnitDescription NOT LIKE (select '%' + RejectCode + '%'
from [CustDiscountTables].[dbo].RejectDiscount
where GroupID = '15'
AND (DiscountPercent = '1'
or DiscountPercent = '.4'
or DiscountPercent = '.2'))