
时间:2014-04-14 18:07:08

标签: ios xamarin.ios instruments dispose cakeyframeanimation


Here is my Xamarin Studio Project

Here is my XCode Instruments Memory Allocations Trace

要重现我在此内存分配跟踪期间所做的操作,只需运行该项目即可。按绿色按钮10次。 (每按一次绿色按钮,蓝色方块动画) 然后评估内存使用情况。请注意,在我的CreateAnimationEventHandler_Position_AnimationStopped函数中,我正在处理动画。 但是还要注意到,仪器告诉我,我有一些非物体正在泄漏记忆......导致这种情况的原因是什么?我如何正确处理CAKeyFrameAnimations?


Without Disposal

With Disposal on animation only not path nor events, more details

With Disposal, more details


public override void ViewDidLoad ()
        base.ViewDidLoad ();

        // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

        UIImageView ViewToAnimation = new UIImageView(new RectangleF(100, 100, 100, 100));
        ViewToAnimation.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue;

        GoButton = new UIButton(new RectangleF(0, 0, 100, 100));
        GoButton.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Green;
        GoButton.TouchUpInside += delegate {            
            animation = CreateAnimation_Position(ViewToAnimation, new Random().Next(0,500), new Random().Next(0,700), ViewToAnimation.Center.X, ViewToAnimation.Center.Y, 0.4f, CAMediaTimingFunction.FromName (CAMediaTimingFunction.Linear));
            ViewToAnimation.Layer.AddAnimation(animation, "animation");


    public CAKeyFrameAnimation CreateAnimation_Position ( UIView view, float toX, float toY, float fromX, float fromY, float duration_s, CAMediaTimingFunction timingFunction )
        AppDelegate appDel = (AppDelegate)UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate;

        CAKeyFrameAnimation positionAnimation = CAKeyFrameAnimation.GetFromKeyPath ("position");
        positionAnimation.Duration = duration_s;
        positionAnimation.TimingFunction = timingFunction;

        PointF toLocation = new PointF(toX, toY);

        // Make a path for this animation
        CGPath path = new CGPath();
        PointF[] lines = {new PointF(fromX, fromY), new PointF(toX, toY)};

        positionAnimation.Path = path;

        event_started = CreateAnimationEventHandler_Position_AnimationStarted(view, toLocation);
        positionAnimation.AnimationStarted += event_started;

        event_stopped = CreateAnimationEventHandler_Position_AnimationStopped(view, positionAnimation);
        positionAnimation.AnimationStopped += event_stopped;

        return positionAnimation;

    public EventHandler CreateAnimationEventHandler_Position_AnimationStarted ( UIView view, PointF toLocation )
        EventHandler animationStartedEvent = delegate {
            // Apply the Position change to the Layer
            view.Layer.Position = toLocation;

        return animationStartedEvent;

    public EventHandler<CAAnimationStateEventArgs> CreateAnimationEventHandler_Position_AnimationStopped ( UIView view, CAKeyFrameAnimation animationToDispose )
        EventHandler<CAAnimationStateEventArgs> animationStoppedEvent = delegate(object sender, CAAnimationStateEventArgs e) {
//              Console.WriteLine("Finished!  finished = " + e.Finished);

//              Console.WriteLine("Removing and Disposing Events");
//              animationToDispose.AnimationStarted -= event_started;
//              animationToDispose.AnimationStopped -= event_stopped;
//              event_started = null;
//              event_stopped = null;
//              Console.WriteLine("Disposing Animation");
//              animationToDispose.Path.Dispose();

            // For some reason, only calling Dispose on the animation and NOT calling dispose on the Path & events seems to be more efficient... no idea why

        return animationStoppedEvent;

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