答案 0 :(得分:0)
所以..."我想去公共汽车。"成为"我想去公共汽车。 &#34 ;.然后我搜索"到"。这种方法的问题是标点符号会导致问题。例如,如果您想搜索" bus",您可以使用:
"我想去公共汽车。 "并搜索"公共汽车"。由于在总线之后存在标点符号,因此无法找到。
我建议您使用正则表达式来实现此功能。 VB6没有内置的正则表达式,但您可以使用Microsoft VBScript正则表达式功能来实现此目的。请查看此页面以帮助您入门:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/818802
pos = InStr(start_at, txtBody.Text, target)
pos = InStr(start_at, " " & txtBody.Text & " ", " " & target & " ", vbBinaryCompare)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetStringTypeW Lib "Kernel32.dll" ( _
ByVal dwInfoType As Long, _
ByVal lpSrcStr As Long, _
ByVal cchSrc As Long, _
ByRef lpCharType As Integer _
) As Long
Private Const CT_CTYPE1 As Long = &H1
Private Const C1_UPPER As Long = &H1 ' Uppercase
Private Const C1_LOWER As Long = &H2 ' Lowercase
Private Const C1_DIGIT As Long = &H4 ' Decimal digits
Private Const C1_SPACE As Long = &H8 ' Space characters
Private Const C1_PUNCT As Long = &H10 ' Punctuation
Private Const C1_CNTRL As Long = &H20 ' Control characters
Private Const C1_BLANK As Long = &H40 ' Blank characters
Private Const C1_XDIGIT As Long = &H80 ' Hexadecimal digits
Private Const C1_ALPHA As Long = &H100 ' Any linguistic character: alphabetical, syllabary, or ideographic
Private Const C1_DEFINED As Long = &H200 ' A defined character, but not one of the other C1_* types
Function FindFullWord(ByVal in_lStartPos As Long, ByRef in_sText As String, ByRef in_sSearch As String, Optional ByVal in_eCompareMethod As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare) As Long
Dim nLenText As Long
Dim nLenSearch As Long
Dim sNextChar As String
Dim iCharType As Integer
FindFullWord = InStr(in_lStartPos, in_sText, in_sSearch, in_eCompareMethod)
' Did we find the search string in the text?
If (FindFullWord > 0) Then
' Save the length of the text.
nLenText = Len(in_sText)
nLenSearch = Len(in_sSearch)
' Does this position mean that the search is the end of the string?
If (FindFullWord + nLenSearch - 1) = nLenText Then
' If so, we can exit now - there are no following characters.
Exit Function
End If
' Look at the next character.
sNextChar = Mid$(in_sText, FindFullWord + nLenSearch, 1)
' Is this next char a space, punctuation character, or a blank?
If (GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, StrPtr(sNextChar), 1, iCharType)) Then
If (iCharType And C1_SPACE) = C1_SPACE Then
Exit Function
ElseIf (iCharType And C1_PUNCT) = C1_PUNCT Then
Exit Function
ElseIf (iCharType And C1_BLANK) = C1_BLANK Then
Exit Function
End If
End If
' Find the position of the search string in the text.
FindFullWord = InStr(FindFullWord + nLenSearch, in_sText, in_sSearch, in_eCompareMethod)
Loop Until FindFullWord = 0
End If
End Function