生成的表中的垂直线/边框不连续(R + Latex + Sweave + xtable)

时间:2014-04-14 11:20:41

标签: r latex sweave xtable


<<echo=FALSE, results=tex>>=
tabulatedVal <- getStatTableMacro(portfolio, normalizingRow)
createdXTable <- xtable(tabulatedVal, digits = 2)
align(createdXTable) <- "l|l|c|"
rws <- seq(1, nrow(tabulatedVal), by=2)
col <- rep("\\rowcolor{blue!10}", length(rws))
print(createdXTable, booktabs=TRUE, add.to.row=list(pos=as.list(rws), command=col),     include.rownames=FALSE, size="\\small")


color table


<<echo=FALSE, results=tex>>=
tabulatedVal <- getStatTableMacro(portfolio, normalizingRow)
createdXTable <- xtable(tabulatedVal, digits = 2)
align(createdXTable) <- "l|l|c|"
rws <- seq(1, nrow(tabulatedVal), by=2)
print(createdXTable, booktabs=TRUE, include.rownames=FALSE, size="\\small")




\usepackage{colortbl, xcolor}


<<echo=FALSE, results=tex>>=

#Colored Table

tabulatedVal <- data.frame(Statistics =c("Annualized Return (%)", "Standard Deviation (%)", "Skewness", "Kurtosis",
                             "Sharpe Ratio", "Maximum Drawdown", "Percent of losing months",
                              "Worst Monthly Return", "Worst Yearly Return"),
                           Value =c(0.09, 6.77, 0.11, 3.18, 1.34, 5.20, 31.84, -4.09, -0.33))
createdXTable <- xtable(tabulatedVal, digits = 2)
align(createdXTable) <- "l|l|c|"
rws <- seq(1, nrow(tabulatedVal), by=2)
col <- rep("\\rowcolor{blue!10}", length(rws))
print(createdXTable, booktabs=TRUE, add.to.row=list(pos=as.list(rws), command=col), include.rownames=FALSE, size="\\small")

#Uncolored Table

createdXTable <- xtable(tabulatedVal, digits = 2)
align(createdXTable) <- "l|l|c|"
rws <- seq(1, nrow(tabulatedVal), by=2)
print(createdXTable, booktabs=TRUE, include.rownames=FALSE, size="\\small")




\usepackage{colortbl, xcolor}


% latex table generated in R 3.0.1 by xtable 1.7-1 package
% Mon Apr 14 17:43:00 2014
Statistics & Value \\ 
Annualized Return (\%) & 0.09 \\ 
   \rowcolor{blue!10}Standard Deviation (\%) & 6.77 \\ 
  Skewness & 0.11 \\ 
   \rowcolor{blue!10}Kurtosis & 3.18 \\ 
  Sharpe Ratio & 1.34 \\ 
   \rowcolor{blue!10}Maximum Drawdown & 5.20 \\ 
  Percent of losing months & 31.84 \\ 
   \rowcolor{blue!10}Worst Monthly Return & -4.09 \\ 
  Worst Yearly Return & -0.33 \\ 
   \rowcolor{blue!10} \bottomrule
\end{table}% latex table generated in R 3.0.1 by xtable 1.7-1 package
% Mon Apr 14 17:43:00 2014
Statistics & Value \\ 
Annualized Return (\%) & 0.09 \\ 
  Standard Deviation (\%) & 6.77 \\ 
  Skewness & 0.11 \\ 
  Kurtosis & 3.18 \\ 
  Sharpe Ratio & 1.34 \\ 
  Maximum Drawdown & 5.20 \\ 
  Percent of losing months & 31.84 \\ 
  Worst Monthly Return & -4.09 \\ 
  Worst Yearly Return & -0.33 \\ 


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这里的关键是booktabs与垂直线不能很好地配合。您可以切换表中的垂直规则,也可以采用here上描述的hereTeX SE解决方案之一。根据这些问题的评论和答案,共识建议似乎是完全避免纵向规则。

答案 1 :(得分:0)





\usepackage{colortbl, xcolor}


% latex table generated in R 3.0.1 by xtable 1.7-1 package
% Mon Apr 14 17:43:00 2014
Statistics & Value \\ 
Annualized Return (\%) & 0.09 \\ 
   \rowcolor{blue!10}Standard Deviation (\%) & 6.77 \\ 
  Skewness & 0.11 \\ 
   \rowcolor{blue!10}Kurtosis & 3.18 \\ 
  Sharpe Ratio & 1.34 \\ 
   \rowcolor{blue!10}Maximum Drawdown & 5.20 \\ 
  Percent of losing months & 31.84 \\ 
   \rowcolor{blue!10}Worst Monthly Return & -4.09 \\ 
  Worst Yearly Return & -0.33 \\ 
   \rowcolor{blue!10} \bottomrule


% \begin{table}
% \centering
% {
% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|}
  % \toprule
% Statistics & Value \\ 
  % \midrule
% Annualized Return (\%) & 0.09 \\ 
  % Standard Deviation (\%) & 6.77 \\ 
  % Skewness & 0.11 \\ 
  % Kurtosis & 3.18 \\ 
  % Sharpe Ratio & 1.34 \\ 
  % Maximum Drawdown & 5.20 \\ 
  % Percent of losing months & 31.84 \\ 
  % Worst Monthly Return & -4.09 \\ 
  % Worst Yearly Return & -0.33 \\ 
   % \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% }
% \end{table}
