public void UpdatePrepare(string statement, string[] keys, string[] values)
MySqlConnection conn;
//Declare and Instantiate the MySqlCommand object
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();
//Assign the database connection to it
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = statement;
//Call the prepare method on the command
for (int x = 0; x < values.Length; x++)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(keys[x], values[x]);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Error Error at for loop to move values to keys");
//Execute the command
private void Button_Update(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string update = "UPDATE @table SET @attr=@input WHERE @attr=@current;";//not working
//string update = "UPDATE Missions SET Mission_Name='mission202' WHERE Mission_Name='mission101'"; //works
string table = "Missions";
string attr = "Mission_Name";
string current = "'mission101'";
string input = "'mission202'";
string[] keys = new string[] {"@table", "@attr" , "@input", "@current"};
string[] values = new string[] {table, attr, input, current};
UpdatePrepare(update, keys, values);
MessageBox.Show("Update Successful.");
您的SQL语法有错误;检查手册 对应于您的MySQL服务器版本,以便使用正确的语法 ''任务'附近'SET'Mission_Name'='\'mission202 \''WHERE