使用WIA Library读取进纸器中的所有页面时遇到问题。 我有一台扫描仪HP scanjet 5590,从平板扫描工作完美。如果进纸器中的页面只有一页,则从进纸器扫描可以完美地工作。
if (this._deviceInfo != null)
// Connect to the device
var device = this._deviceInfo.Connect();
//set _adf
_adf = true;
CommonDialog commonDialog = new CommonDialog();
var item = device.Items[1];
int dpi = 150;
// configure item
//SetItemIntProperty(ref item, 6146, 2); // greyscale
//SetItemIntProperty(ref item, 6147, dpi); // 150 dpi
//SetItemIntProperty(ref item, 6148, dpi); // 150 dpi
//SetItemIntProperty(ref item, 6151, (int)(dpi * _width)); // scan width
//SetItemIntProperty(ref item, 6152, (int)(dpi * _height)); // scan height
SetItemIntProperty(ref item, 4104, 8); // bit depth
//set Feeder Settings // 1 for ADF, 2 for flatbed
int deviceHandling = _adf ? int.Parse(DeviceDocumentHandling.Feeder.ToString()) : int.Parse(DeviceDocumentHandling.FlatBed.ToString());
// configure device
SetDeviceIntProperty(ref device, DEVICE_PROPERTY_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT_ID, deviceHandling);
int handlingStatus = GetDeviceIntProperty(ref device, DEVICE_PROPERTY_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_STATUS_ID);
if (handlingStatus == deviceHandling)
//I think I should add a loop here While(scanner had pages?) how to do it?
//start scan
imageFile = commonDialog.ShowTransfer(item, MyFormatID.wiaFormatJPEG, true);
// save image to a file and add to arraylist
var path = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
path = Path.Combine(path, Path.GetTempFileName());
path = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(path, "jpg");
_tempSavedImages.Add(path); //add to arraylist teh created images