group mylist = group2 mylist [[],[],[]]
group2 mylist xs = if mylist == [] then xs
else if getFirst (head mylist) == 'a' then group2 (tail mylist) ([head mylist]++[head xs])++ (tail xs)
else if getFirst (head mylist) == 'b' then group2 (tail mylist) [head xs] ++ ((head mylist):[head (tail xs)]) ++ (tail xs)
else if getFirst (head mylist) == 'c' then group2 (tail mylist) (init xs) ++ ((head mylist):[last xs])
else xs
Couldn't match expected type `(Char, t0, t1)' with actual type `[a0]' In the expression: [] In the second argument of `group2', namely `[[], [], []]' In the expression: group2 mylist [[], [], []] Failed, modules loaded: none.
答案 0 :(得分:4)
group :: [(Char, a, b)] -> [[(Char, a, b)]]
group = group' [[],[],[]]
group' :: [[(Char, a, b)]] -> [(Char, a, b)] -> [[(Char, a, b)]]
group' l [] = l
group' [as, bs, cs] (t@('a', _, _):ts) = group' [t:as, bs, cs] ts
group' [as, bs, cs] (t@('b', _, _):ts) = group' [as, t:bs, cs] ts
group' [as, bs, cs] (t@('c', _, _):ts) = group' [as, bs, t:cs] ts
group' l (_:ts) = group' l ts