function(heuristics) {
/*var minY = d3.min(heuristics, function(d) { return d.RevenueInflationAdjusted[1]}),
maxY = d3.max(heuristics, function(d) { return d.RevenueInflationAdjusted[1]});
alert("Y "+minY+" "+maxY);
var minX = d3.min(heuristics, function(d) { return d.NetIncome2008[1]}),
maxX = d3.max(heuristics, function(d) { return d.NetIncome2008[1]
alert("X "+minX+" "+maxX);
var formatValue = d3.format(".2r");
// Various accessors that specify the four dimensions of data to visualize.
function x(d) {
return d.NetIncome2008;
function y(d) {
return d.RevenueInflationAdjusted;
//function y(d) {return d.Revenue2008;}
function radius(d) {
return d.RevenueInflationAdjusted;
function color(d) {
return d.CompanyName;
function key(d) {
return d.Company;
var currentX, currentY, currentR, prevR, svg;
var map = new Object();
// Chart dimensions.
var margin = {
top : 100,
right : 19.5,
bottom : 19.5,
left : 120.5
}, width = 960 - margin.right, height = 500 - margin.top - margin.bottom;
// Various scales. These domains make assumptions of data, naturally.
var xScale = d3.scale.log().domain([ 10, 950 ]).range([ 0, width ]),
yScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([ 0, 800 ]).range([ height, 0 ]), //100, 3600
radiusScale = d3.scale.sqrt().domain([ 0, 800 ]).range([ 0, 40 ]), colorScale = d3.scale.category10(),
prevRadiusScale = d3.scale.sqrt().domain([ 0, 800 ]).range([ 0, 40 ]), colorScale = d3.scale.category10();
// The x & y axes.
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().orient("bottom").scale(xScale).ticks(15,d3.format(",d")),
yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yScale).orient("left");
// Create the SVG container and set the origin.
svg = d3.select("#chart").append("svg").attr("width",
width + margin.left + margin.right).attr("height",
height + margin.top + margin.bottom + 450).append("g").attr(
"transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")");
// Add the x-axis.
svg.append("g").attr("class", "x axis").attr("transform",
"translate(0," + height + ")").call(d3.svg.axis().scale(d3.scale.linear()).ticks(0))
// Add the y-axis.
svg.append("g").attr("class", "y axis").call(d3.svg.axis().scale(d3.scale.linear()).ticks(0))
var line = svg.append("line")
.attr("x1", 0)
.attr("y1", yScale(50))
.attr("x2", 940.5)
.attr("y2", yScale(50))
.style("stroke", "blue")
.attr("stroke-width", "1");
// Add an x-axis label.
.attr("class", "x label")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.attr("x", width)
.attr("y", height+40)
.attr("y", height-200)
.attr("x", width)
.attr("y", height+40)
// Add a y-axis label.
.attr("class", "y label")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.attr("y", 6)
.attr("dy", ".75em")
.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
.text("Revenue Inflation Adjusted")
.attr("y", height+200)
.attr("transform", "rotate(0)")
.attr("y", 150)
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.attr("y", 6)
.attr("dy", ".75em")
.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
//labeling the threshold line
.attr("y", yScale(60))
.text("Threshold Value:50m$")
.attr("y", height-200)
.attr("y", yScale(60))
// Add the year label; the value is set on transition.
var label = svg.append("text")
.attr("class", "year label")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.attr("y", height + 300)
.attr("x", width-600)
/*var naming = svg.append("text").selectAll(".dot")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.attr("y", 500)
.attr("x", 500)
.text("Company Name");*/
// Load the data.
var bcolor;
var tip = d3.tip()
.attr('class', 'd3-tip')
.html(function(d) {
if(get("" + key(d) + "prevR")<get("" + key(d) + "currentR")){
bcolor = "green";
bcolor = "red ";
return "<strong>Company:</strong><span style='color:"+bcolor+"'>" + d.Company+ "</span> <br> <strong>Type:</strong><span style='color:"+bcolor+"'> Finance Sector </span> <br><strong>Net Income (2008):   </strong><span style='color:"+bcolor+"'>" +formatValue(d.NetIncome2008) + "m$</span> <br> <strong>Revenue (Inflation Adjusted):   </strong><span style='color:"+bcolor+"'>" + formatValue(d.RevenueInflationAdjusted) + "</span>";})
// A bisector since many company's data is sparsely-defined.
var bisect = d3.bisector(function(d) {
return d[0];
// Add a dot per Company. Initialize the data at 1970, and set the colors.
var dot = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "dots")
.attr("class", "dot")
.style("fill", function(d) {return colorScale(color(d));})
.on('mouseover', tip.show)
.on('mouseout', tip.hide);
var prevDot = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "dots")
.attr("class", "dot")
.style("fill", function(d) {return colorScale(color(d));})
.on('mouseover', tip.show)
.on('mouseout', tip.hide);
var text = svg.selectAll("text")
// Add an overlay for the year label.
var box = label.node().getBBox();
var overlay = svg.append("rect").attr("class",
"overlay").attr("x", box.x).attr("y", box.y)
.attr("width", box.width).attr("height",
// Start a transition that interpolates the data based on year. 18000
"year", tweenYear).each("end",
// Positions the dots based on data.
function position(dot) {
.attr("opacity", 0.8)
.attr("cx", function(d) {
currentX = xScale(x(d));
map["" + key(d) + "cx"] = currentX;
return currentX;
.attr("cy", function(d) {
currentY = yScale(y(d));
map["" + key(d) + "cy"] = currentY;
return currentY;
}).attr("r", function(d) {
currentR = radiusScale(radius(d));
map["" + key(d) + "currentR"] = currentR;
var cName = d.Company;
//svg.append("g").attr("y", currentY + currentR + 1).attr("x", currentX + 10).text(".");
return currentR;
/*var cName = get("" + key(d) + "cName");
//svg.append("text").attr("y", currentY + currentR + 1).attr("x", currentX).text(cName);*/
//var naminggg = svg.selectAll("text")
// .data(interpolateData(1970), key)
// .attr("x", 500)
//.attr("y", 500)
//.attr("text-anchor", "middle");
// Previous position of the dots
function previousPosition(prevDot) {
.attr("opacity", 0.4)
.attr("cx", function(d) {
return get("" + key(d) + "cx");
}).attr("cy", function(d) {
return get("" + key(d) + "cy");
}).attr("r", function(d) {
prevR = prevRadiusScale(radius(d));
map["" + key(d) + "prevR"] = prevR;
return prevRadiusScale(radius(d));
function positionText(text) {
.attr("opacity", 0.8)
.attr("x", function(d) {return xScale(x(d));})
.attr("y", function(d) {return yScale(y(d));})
.text(function(d){return d.Company;});
function get(key) {
return map[key];
// Defines a sort order so that the smallest dots are drawn on top.
function order(a, b) {
return radius(b) - radius(a);
// After the transition finishes, you can mouseover to change the year.
function enableInteraction() {
// alert("Inside Enable Interaction");
var yearScale = d3.scale.linear().domain(
[ 1970, 2002 ]).range(
[ box.x + 10, box.x + box.width - 10 ])
// Cancel the current transition, if any.
// TODO Should disappear when not in use
overlay.on("mouseover", mouseover).on("mouseout",
mouseout).on("mousemove", mousemove).on(
"touchmove", mousemove);
function mouseover() {
label.classed("active", true);
naming.classed("active", true);
function mouseout() {
label.classed("active", false);
naming.classed("active", false);
function mousemove() {
// Tweens the entire chart by first tweening the year, and then the data.
// For the interpolated data, the dots and label are redrawn.
function tweenYear() {
var year = d3.interpolateNumber(1970, 2002);
return function(t) {
// Updates the display to show the specified year.
function displayYear(year) {
if (Math.round(year) == 1970) {
dot.data(interpolateData(year), key).call(
} else {
dot.data(interpolateData(year), key).call(
prevDot.data(interpolateData(year - 1), key)
// var textLabel = svg.append("text").call(positionText);
var bata = [
[5, 20], [480, 90], [250, 50], [100, 33], [330, 95],
[410, 12], [475, 44], [25, 67], [85, 21], [220, 88]
svg.selectAll("text").data(bata).enter().append("text").attr("x", function(d) { alert(xScale(x(d))); return xScale(x(d)) + radiusScale(radius(d)) + 1;}).attr("y", function(d) { return yScale(y(d)) + radiusScale(radius(d)) + 1}).text("Bebu");
// Interpolates the dataset for the given (fractional) year.
function interpolateData(year) {
return heuristics.map(function(d) {
return {
Company : d.Company,
CompanyName : d.CompanyName,
NetIncome2008 : interpolateValues(d.NetIncome2008, year),
RevenueInflationAdjusted : interpolateValues(d.RevenueInflationAdjusted,year)
// Finds (and possibly interpolates) the value for the specified year.
function interpolateValues(values, year) {
var i = bisect.left(values, year, 0,
values.length - 1), a = values[i];
if (i > 0) {
var b = values[i - 1], t = (year - a[0])/ (b[0] - a[0]);
return (a[1] * (1 - t) + b[1] * t);
return a[1];