
时间:2014-04-08 11:08:08

标签: sql oracle select sql-update correlated-subquery


UPDATE TableToUpdate SET ColumnToUpdate = (
    SELECT ColumnWithNewValues
    FROM (
        SELECT ColumnWithNewValues, ROWNUM AS N
        FROM Table1 t1, Table2 t2       -- join tables
        WHERE t2.Schluessel = t1.Schluessel -- join condition
        AND t1.DateFrom <= TableToUpdate.Date   -- <==== Error, reference to TableToUpdate
        AND t1.DatumTo >= TableToUpdate.Date
        -- ... some other conditions, not important here ... 
    ) tmp
    WHERE tmp.N = 5         -- Use the fifth row to update the row of TableToUpdate


ORA-00904: "TableToUpdate"."Date": Ungültiger Bezeichner


ORA-00904: "TableToUpdate"."Date": Invalid identifier

所以我似乎无法从SELECT-Statement中的相关子查询引用TableToUpdate。在MSSQL下,这可以替换oracle特定的ROWNUM 当然是一门等同的技术。


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merge into tabletoupdate t
using ( select datefrom
             , datumto
             , ColumnWithNewValues
          from ( select t1.datefrom
                      , t1.datumto
                      , ColumnWithNewValues
                      , rownum as n
                   from table1 t1
                        inner join table2 t2 on (t2.Schluessel = t1.Schluessel) -- join condition
                --where ... some other conditions, not important here ... 
                --order by ... some columns here, otherwise rownum is meaningless
               ) tmp
         where tmp.n =5         -- Use the fifth row to update the row of TableToUpdate
   on (   t1.DateFrom <= t.Date
      and t1.DatumTo >= t.Date
 when matched then
      update set t.columntoupdate = tmp.columnwithnewvalues