formulaA = A ~ car_value + car_age + age_oldest + age_youngest + duration_previous + group_size + homeowner + risk_factor + married_couple
fit = rpart(formulaA, method = "class", data = trainNONA0)
plot(fit) # plotting the tree so that I can see the classification and the nodes.
text(fit) # labeling the tree
数据框包含以下列: customer_ID group_size homeowner car_age car_value risk_factor age_oldest age_youngest married_couple C_previous duration_previous A B C D
我应该使用其他属性来预测A,B,C和D.我试图单独预测它们(因为我们无法使用决策树预测多个属性)。输出应该是自然数。 A可以有0,1,2; B-0,1; C-1,2,3,4和D-1,2,3。以下是A,B,C,D的样本值。 {1 0 2 2; 1 0 2 2; 1 0 2 2; 0 0 3 2; 0 0 3 2; 0 0 3 2; 0 0 2 3; 1 1 3 2; 1 1 3 2; 1 1 3 3; 2 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1;}
答案 0 :(得分:0)
尝试 预测(fit,type =“class”) 得到预测的类而不是类概率的向量。
> data(cars)
> m<-rpart(speed~dist, data=cars)
> predict(m, type="class")
Error in predict.rpart(m, type = "class") :
Invalid prediction for "rpart" object
> # Doesn't work
> m<-rpart(speed~dist, data=cars, method="class")
> predict(m, type="class")
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