
时间:2014-04-07 23:55:51

标签: r vectorization subset


# Mock data
foo <- data.frame(matrix(rexp(150, rate=.1), ncol=15))
foo <- rbind(c("A","B","C"), foo)
colnames(foo) <- rep(paste("ID", c(1:5), sep=""), rep(3, 5))

               ID1            ID1.1            ID1.2              ID2            ID2.1             ID2.2
1                A                B                C                A                B                 C
2 5.56521375011492 38.8443598688996 8.40060065458429 3.04018635302782 15.7668948165121  33.2867358608131
3 1.15913633337383 1.77594455424696  7.8426102303155 10.2102611125281 1.37656751088798  10.8752515162797
4 19.2305917284431 1.17383518721908 12.1561537865074 13.8317152201654 7.51959749455464  29.5795920474415
5    6.26116017811 1.45891858730465 26.5209942103679 1.67936608195305  18.366959299052 0.121995760127902



# Result matrix
res <- matrix(nrow=(nrow(foo) - 1), ncol=(ncol(foo) / 3))

# Iterate over observations
for (i in 2:nrow(foo)) {
    # Count columns in the row to track sample ID
    col = 1
    for (j in 1:ncol(res)) {
        index <- which.max(foo[i,col:(col + 2)])
        if (index == 1) {
            label <- "A"
        } else if (index == 2) {
            label <- "B"
        } else {
            label <- "C"
        # Store labels of the maximum score for that observation and sample
        res[i - 1,j] <- label
        # Move to the next sample ID
        col <- col + 3


# Get first index of each sample
ind <- seq(from=1, to=ncol(foo), by=3)
# Get index range of each sample as a list
ind <- lapply(ind, function(x) {
    seq(from=x, to=(x + 2), by=1)



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


首先,标题和小标题并不是非常理想的 自动化并且容易出问题。我将其分解为ID列表, 每个都是三次运行的数据帧。 (我们将添加ID1 最后命名约定,如果有必要的话。)

foo1 <- lapply(1:5,
               function(id) data.frame(matrix(rexp(30, rate=.1), ncol=3)))
head(foo1[[1]], n=3)
##           X1       X2        X3
## 1 25.01758605 18.80077 19.962787
## 2  2.46758883 15.96105  7.283865
## 3  0.06581957 16.58662  3.835416

这大大方便了*apply系列功能。这第一个 批处理对每个列表元素进行操作并将其转换为单个列

foo2 <- lapply(foo1, function(ff) apply(ff, 1, which.max))
head(foo2, n=2)
## [[1]]
##  [1] 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3
## [[2]]
##  [1] 3 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 3 3


foo3 <- Reduce(cbind, foo2)
head(foo3, n=3)
##      init        
## [1,]    1 3 1 2 3
## [2,]    2 2 3 2 3
## [3,]    2 2 2 2 2

最后,让我们将其重新置于字母模式(如果必须),然后添加 列名(再次,如果必须):

foo4 <- apply(foo3, c(1,2), function(x) c('A','B','C')[x])
colnames(foo4) <- paste0('ID', seq.int(ncol(foo4)))
head(foo4, n=3)
##      ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5
## [1,] "A" "C" "A" "B" "C"
## [2,] "B" "B" "C" "B" "C"
## [3,] "B" "B" "B" "B" "B"


假设我们必须使用它,我仍然会把它整齐地分解成 元素大小,并继续*apply的东西:

# Mock data
foo5 <- data.frame(matrix(rexp(150, rate=.1), ncol=15))
head(foo5[,1:5], n=3)
##            X1       X2        X3          X4        X5
## 1 25.01758605 18.80077 19.962787  4.34543487  1.291397
## 2  2.46758883 15.96105  7.283865  0.09091824 20.895804
## 3  0.06581957 16.58662  3.835416 16.10286033 25.188229

而不是尝试遍历所有内容,如何对子集进行子集化 data.frame成更小的块:

foo6 <- lapply(seq(1, ncol(foo5), by=3),
               function(ii) foo5[,ii:(ii+2)])


foo7 <- Reduce(cbind,
               lapply(foo6, function(ff) apply(ff, 1, which.max)))
foo8 <- apply(foo7, c(1,2), function(x) c('A','B','C')[x])
colnames(foo8) <- paste0('ID', seq.int(ncol(foo8)))
head(foo8, n=3)
##      ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5
## [1,] "A" "C" "A" "B" "C"
## [2,] "B" "B" "C" "B" "C"
## [3,] "B" "B" "B" "B" "B"

(我处理其中一些问题的方式,如果是这样的话,我真的很喜欢它 允许Rmd文件或至少完全降价。)

答案 1 :(得分:1)

首先,您不应该rbind向您的数据框c('A', 'B', 'C')标签,因为这会导致foo中的所有数字成为字符串,而不是数字!保持它们是分开的(无论如何,你从不在代码中使用第一行foo。)


首先,我会创建一个与您相似的矩阵,但只是没有c('A', 'B', 'C'),这样我的数字实际上是数字,而不是字符。

foo <- data.frame(matrix(rexp(150, rate=.1), ncol=15))
labels <- c('A', 'B', 'C')
colnames(foo) <- make.unique(rep(paste("ID", c(1:5), sep=""), rep(3, 5)))

我能想到的第一种方法(相当直接) - 将数据框展平为矢量并找到每3个值的最大值,然后重新塑造成您想要的形状res

foo.flat <- as.vector(t(foo)) # transpose as R is column-wise and I want row-wise
# split(foo.flat, ceiling(1:length(foo.flat)/3)) # splits into chunks of 3, so:
ms <- vapply(split(foo.flat, ceiling(1:length(foo.flat)/3)),
             which.max, # function to apply to each chunk of 3
             -1, # template value for vapply


res <- matrix(labels[ms], byrow=T, ncol=ncol(foo)/3)

我能想到的第二种方法 - 将矩阵重新整形为长形(reshape2)并使用plyr对每个(行,ID)进行计算。 (可能更优雅,但更令人困惑?,由你决定)

foo$observation <- 1:nrow(foo)
foo.long <- melt(foo, id='observation', variable.name='ID')
# fix IDs, i.e. ID1.2 --> ID1 etc
foo.long$ID <- gsub('\\.[1-9]+$', '', foo.long$ID)
# > head(foo.long[order(foo.long$observation, foo.long$ID),])
#    observation  ID     value
# 1            1 ID1 15.751959
# 11           1 ID1 20.386724
# 21           1 ID1  9.423799
# 31           1 ID2  4.560623
# 41           1 ID2  1.140642
# 51           1 ID2 37.009728

observation只是每个号码来自的行,ID是ID。 现在为每个(观察,变量)找到最大值的索引。

intermediate <- ddply(foo.long, .(observation, ID), function (x) which.max(x$value))
> head(intermediate)
#  observation  ID V1
# 1           1 ID1  2
# 2           1 ID2  3
# 3           1 ID3  3
# 4           1 ID4  2
# 5           1 ID5  3
# 6           2 ID1  1


res <- matrix(labels[intermediate$V1], byrow=T, ncol=floor(ncol(foo)/3)))


答案 2 :(得分:0)


foo <- data.frame(matrix(rexp(150, rate=.1), ncol=15))
foo <- rbind(c("A","B","C"), foo)
colnames(foo) <- paste0("ID", rep(1:5, each=3), rep(LETTERS[1:3], times=5))


#make an id variable
foo$id <- 1:nrow(foo)

foo.melt <- melt(foo, "id")

#take apart ID1A into two seperate variables
foo.melt$num <- rep(1:5, each=3)[foo.melt$variable]
foo.melt$rep <- rep(1:3, times=5)[foo.melt$variable]

res <- do.call(rbind, by(foo.melt, interaction(foo.melt$id, foo.melt$num),
       function(x) {
           id <- x[1,"id"]
           num <- x[1,"num"]
           #which.max gets us the index of the max, look it up and get a letter.
           type <- LETTERS[x[which.max(x$value), "rep"]]
           data.frame(id=id, num=num, type=type);
dcast(res, id~num)


R>dcast(res, id~num)
Using type as value column: use value.var to override.
   id 1 2 3 4 5
1   1 A C A A B
2   2 C A B C C
3   3 C B A A B
4   4 B C C A C
5   5 A C B B C
6   6 A B A C B
7   7 B B B A A
8   8 A C A A B
9   9 A B C C B
10 10 A B C A B