#include <iostream> //Standard library.
#include <bitset> //Library for 10 handling.
#include <vector> //Variable size array.
#include <algorithm> //We use sorting from it.
using namespace std;
int main()
int y = 0;
int turnCount = 0;
int count1 = 0, count0 = 0;
bitset <4> inpSeq;
int polyLoc;
bitset <4> operSeq;
bitset <4> bit;
vector <int> xorArray;
vector <int> keyReg;
cout << "Enter a 4-bit sequence: \n";
cin >> inpSeq;
cout << "Enter polynomial:";
cin >> polyLoc;
cout << "xorArray is: ";
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < xorArray.size(); i++)
cout << xorArray[i] << " ";
sort(xorArray.rbegin(), xorArray.rend());
cout << "\n";
operSeq = inpSeq;
int x = xorArray[0];
cout << "x is: " << x << "\n";
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < xorArray.size(); i++)
cout << xorArray[i] << "\n";
cout << "bit 3 of initial " << bit[3] << "\n";
do {
for (unsigned int r = 1; r < xorArray.size(); r++)
bit[3] = operSeq[x];
cout << "bit 3 from prev: " << bit[3] << "\n";
y = xorArray[r];
cout << "opseq[y] is: " << operSeq[y] << "\n";
bit[3] = bit[3] ^ operSeq[y];
cout << "bit[3] after xor: " << bit[3] << "\n";
operSeq >>= 1;
cout <<"operSeq after shift: " << operSeq << "\n";
operSeq[3] = bit[3];
cout <<"opserSeq bit 4 after = bit[3]: " << operSeq[3] << "\n";
cout <<"new operSeq: " << operSeq << "\n";
turnCount ++;
cout << "--\n";
while ((operSeq != inpSeq) && (turnCount < 20));
cout << "Generated key is: ";
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < keyReg.size(); k++)
cout << keyReg[k];
cout << "\n";
cout << "Bit 1 positions: ";
for ( unsigned int g = 0; g < xorArray.size(); g++)
cout << xorArray[g];
cout << "\n";
cout << "Key length is: " << keyReg.size();
cout << "\n";
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < keyReg.size(); i++)
if (keyReg[i]==1)
else {
cout << "Number of 0's: " << count0 << "\n";
cout << "Number of 1's: " << count1 << "\n";
if ( keyReg.size()%2 ==0)
cout << "key length is even. \n";
if (count1==count0)
cout << "Key is perfect! \n";
else {
cout << "Key is not perfect! \n";
cout << "key length is odd. \n";
if ((count1==count0+1) || (count0==count1+1))
cout << "Key is perfect! \n";
else {
cout << "Key is not perfect! \n";