
时间:2014-04-07 01:05:59

标签: ios objective-c appledoc

我希望这不是重复,但在浏览了其他问题后,我认为它可以提出我在Appledoc 2.2-963中遇到的几个问题。我安装使用brew工作得很好,而apple doc已经为我生成了很棒的文档而且没有,但是我认为软件seg故障并且每次运行它时都会中断。下面是我用来在工作目录中使用项目文件运行appledoc的脚本。

#! /bin/bash
appledoc \
--project-name "GSFDataCollector" \
--project-company "GSF SDP Team" \
--company-id "com.sdpllnl" \
--docset-feed-url "" \
--docset-package-url "" \
--docset-fallback-url "" \
--output "~/help" \
--publish-docset \
--logformat xcode \
--keep-undocumented-objects \
--keep-undocumented-members \
--no-repeat-first-par \
--ignore "*.m" \
--ignore "*.mm" \
--ignore "GoogleMaps.bundle" \
--ignore "GoogleMaps.framework" \
--ignore "GSFDataCollecter.*" \
--ignore "Pods" \
--ignore "Podfile" \
--ignore "Podfile.lock" \
--ignore "LICENCE" \
--index-desc "./" \


一切似乎都很好,但是这里有一些错误。 分段错误:11还有另一个错误是出错了。 (无法为这个快速问题重现它)。无论如何,你明白了。每次使用都会崩溃。


//  GSFSpinner.h
//  GSFDataCollecter
//  Created by Michael Baptist on 3/13/14.
//  Copyright (c) 2014 Michael Baptist - LLNL. All rights reserved.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface GSFSpinner : UIView

 *  Creates a default spinner in the middle of the screen. 
 *  @return A new GSFSpinner.
- (id)init;

 *  Creates a spinner with custom size and custom location.
 *  @param frame The frame for the new GSFSpinner to be used.
 *  @return A new GSFSpinner with custom frame.
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame;

 *  The actual spinner itself that is inside the custom view. Since this is a regular UIActivity spinner. The developer can customize it how ever they want.
@property (nonatomic) UIActivityIndicatorView *spinner;

 *  Label that says why the spinner is spinning.
@property (nonatomic) UILabel *label;

 *  Width of the view containing the spinner.
@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger width;

 *  Height of the view containing the spinner.
@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger height;

// sets the label text to white system font of size 14
 *  Sets the label tetx to white system font of size 14.
 *  @param text The text to be inserted into the label.
- (void)setLabelText:(NSString*)text;


我想我的问题是,即使它正在工作一半,我是否正确地做到了这一点? 还有一种方法可以在我的工作目录中生成文档作为html,所以我也可以将它推送到github(或者这是不是很好的做法)?我只是想学习这一点,除了提供的--help选项和一些非常低于IMO的博客外,似乎没有什么好的用法示例。


- Michael Baptist







2014-04-07 11:38:50.555 appledoc[69348:507] -[__NSCFArray errorHandleDataReceived:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fce10289f90
Oops, something went wrong...
NSInvalidArgumentException: -[__NSCFArray errorHandleDataReceived:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fce10289f90
@ 0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8399725c __exceptionPreprocess + 172
@ 1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff857cae75 objc_exception_throw + 43
@ 2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8399a12d -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 205
@ 3   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff838f53f2 ___forwarding___ + 1010
@ 4   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff838f4f78 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 120
@ 5   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff83965e0c __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 12
@ 6   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff83859a6d _CFXNotificationPost + 2893
@ 7   Foundation                          0x00007fff863947ba -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 68
@ 8   Foundation                          0x00007fff8648d450 _performFileHandleSource + 1548
@ 9   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff838c8731 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
@ 10  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff838b9f69 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 441
@ 11  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff838b962f __CFRunLoopRun + 831
@ 12  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff838b90b5 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309
@ 13  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff892cba0d RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 226
@ 14  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff89417a81 GetNextEventMatchingMask + 349
@ 15  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff8941787a WNEInternal + 168
@ 16  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff894177c6 WaitNextEvent + 52
@ 17  AppleScript                         0x000000010beefaf9 _Z19AEDefaultActiveProcPv + 131
@ 18  AppleScript                         0x000000010bef4400 _Z23InternalComponentActivej + 82
@ 19  AppleScript                         0x000000010bf229eb _Z13UASRemoteSendhhhhhPh + 653
@ 20  AppleScript                         0x000000010bf2dfdb _Z13UASValue_Sendhh14TUASClassIndexh + 329
@ 21  AppleScript                         0x000000010bf0950b _Z11UASExecute1v + 321
@ 22  AppleScript                         0x000000010bf09378 _Z10UASExecuteh + 188
@ 23  AppleScript                         0x000000010bed95ba _Z9ASExecutejjiPj + 460
@ 24  AppleScript                         0x000000010bed530d AppleScriptComponent + 845
@ 25  AppleScript                         0x000000010beef523 _ZN12AGenericCall8DelegateEP23ComponentInstanceRecord + 37
@ 26  AppleScript                         0x000000010beef4e9 _ZN15AGenericManager13HandleOSACallEP19ComponentParameters + 57
@ 27  AppleScript                         0x000000010beeeaf8 GenericComponent + 104
@ 28  OpenScripting                       0x00007fff8fc7bff1 OSAExecute + 72
@ 29  Foundation                          0x00007fff86455ae2 -[NSAppleScript(NSPrivate) _executeWithMode:andReturnError:] + 127
@ 30  appledoc                            0x00000001091223c4 appledoc + 304068
@ 31  appledoc                            0x0000000109109648 appledoc + 202312
@ 32  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff838cb479 __53-[__NSArrayM enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:]_block_invoke + 137
@ 33  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff838cac1f -[__NSArrayM enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] + 319
@ 34  appledoc                            0x0000000109109465 appledoc + 201829
@ 35  appledoc                            0x00000001090dbf9a appledoc + 16282
@ 36  appledoc                            0x00000001090da756 appledoc + 10070
@ 37  appledoc                            0x00000001090da956 appledoc + 10582
@ 38  appledoc                            0x00000001090d9e74 appledoc + 7796
@ 39  ???                                 0x000000000000002c 0x0 + 44

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