我需要帮助找出一种简单的方法(最好是一个宏)来将在1个单元格中输入的数据(用空格分隔 - 长度不固定)分成它们自己的列。我有大约10万个条目可供使用。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
代码包含许多形式的语句:Debug.Assert boolean-expression
请注意:令牌不必与列匹配。如果我对源数据的理解是正确的,那么集合的第一个标记就是:“aaaaaaaaa Doe,John”。这将不得不分为两个。
在示例1和2中,第二行开始MM/DD/YY City, St ZCode
,而在示例3和4中,它开始MM/DD/YY LName, FNam MName
。如果您必须允许非美国地址,则需要一些聪明的代码才能可靠地区分地址和名称。示例3和示例4使用MM/DD/YY City, St ZCode
Option Explicit
Sub CtrlDecode()
Dim InxTA As Long
Dim RowOutCrnt As Long
Dim RowSrcCrnt As Long
Dim RowSrcLast As Long
Dim TokenPart() As String
Dim SrcData As Variant
Dim TokenArray() As String
' It might be possible to place output column values directly into a cell
' or into an array for writing to an output row. However, it seems to me
' that it will be easier to place column values into specific variables
' as the set is processed and then move them when processing has finished.
' No doubt you will want to replace my variable names with something more
' appropriate.
Dim Id1 As String ' Leading nine character identifier
Dim Name As String
Dim Id2 As String ' XX/XXX/XXXXX
Dim Id3 As String ' XXX/xx
' This macro outputs decoded data to worksheet "Output".
' Change as necessary.
With Worksheets("Output")
' Delete all data created by previous run of macro.
' Set column widths
.Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 11#
.Columns("B").ColumnWidth = 25#
.Columns("C").ColumnWidth = 12#
.Columns("D").ColumnWidth = 7.14
End With
' This macro reads source data from worksheet "Source".
' Change as necessary.
With Worksheets("Source")
' Find last row containing data
RowSrcLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
' Load all data into an array. I believe this will be more convenient
' that accessing the data cell by cell and it will be faster.
SrcData = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(RowSrcLast, 1)).Value
End With
RowSrcCrnt = 1
RowOutCrnt = 1
Do While RowSrcCrnt <= RowSrcLast
' Record start row of current set for error message
Call GetTokenArray(SrcData, RowSrcCrnt, TokenArray)
' First token.
' Expect 9-character-id space FName comma space LName
TokenPart = Split(TokenArray(1), " ")
' Expect three parts: first with length of 9, second ending
' in comma.
Debug.Assert UBound(TokenPart) = 2
Debug.Assert Len(TokenPart(0)) = 9
Debug.Assert Right(TokenPart(1), 1) = ","
Id1 = TokenPart(0)
Name = TokenPart(1) & " " & TokenPart(2)
' Second token.
' Expect xx/xxx/xxxxx
TokenPart = Split(TokenArray(2), "/")
Debug.Assert UBound(TokenPart) = 2
Debug.Assert Len(TokenPart(0)) = 2
Debug.Assert Len(TokenPart(1)) = 3
Debug.Assert Len(TokenPart(2)) = 5
Id2 = TokenArray(2)
' Third token.
' Expect xxx/xx
TokenPart = Split(TokenArray(3), "/")
Debug.Assert UBound(TokenPart) = 1
Debug.Assert Len(TokenPart(0)) = 3
Debug.Assert Len(TokenPart(1)) = 2
Id3 = TokenArray(3)
' Continue with remaining tokens. The next few tokens appears to be
' the same in all formats so you could continue accessing TokenArray(4),
' TokenArray(5) and so on as I have. It then looks as though the tokens
' present vary from format to format. You will then have to use a
' variable, such as InxTA, and have code like:
' If TokenArray(InxTA) is optional token xyz Then
' VariableXyz = TokenArray(InxTA)
' InxTA = InxTA + 1
' Else
' VariableXyz = ""
' End If
' There are a variety of ways of transferring values to the output
' worksheet. I suspect a cell by cell write is the easiest although
' not the fastest.
With Worksheets("Output")
.Cells(RowOutCrnt, "A").Value = Id1
.Cells(RowOutCrnt, "B").Value = Name
.Cells(RowOutCrnt, "C").Value = Id2
.Cells(RowOutCrnt, "D").Value = Id3
RowOutCrnt = RowOutCrnt + 1
End With
End Sub
Sub GetTokenArray(SrcData As Variant, RowSrcCrnt As Long, TokenArray() As String)
' * SrcData(1 To X, 1 To 1) contains all the data from the source worksheet
' * On entry, RowSrcrnt points at the first row of a set. On exit, it points
' at the first row of the next set.
' * On exit, TokenArray will dimensioned as (1 To N) where N is the number of
' tokens found. Each entry will contain one token in the sequence found.
' * A set is ended by a row starting "-----" and containing nothing but
' hyphens and pipes.
' * A token is separated from its neighbour by two or more spaces.
Debug.Assert RowSrcCrnt < UBound(SrcData, 1) ' SrcData already processed
' The upper bound of 500 is intended to be more than could possibly be
' required so as not to bother with enlarginging a small array when it
' becomes full.
ReDim TokenArray(1 To 500)
Dim DataCrnt As String
Dim InxTA As Long
Dim PosCrnt As Long
Dim Pos2Spaces As Long
InxTA = 0
Do While True
DataCrnt = SrcData(RowSrcCrnt, 1)
Debug.Assert DataCrnt <> "" ' Unexpected empty row
' Check for row being end of set
If Left(DataCrnt, 5) = "-----" And _
Replace(Replace(DataCrnt, "-", ""), "|", "") = "" Then
' End of set
Exit Do
End If
' Extract all token from current row
PosCrnt = 1
Do While True
Do While True
' Search for non-space
If PosCrnt > Len(DataCrnt) Then
' End of cell value
Exit Do
End If
If Mid(DataCrnt, PosCrnt, 1) <> " " Then
' Start of next token found
Exit Do
End If
PosCrnt = PosCrnt + 1
Loop ' until end of cell or next token
If PosCrnt > Len(DataCrnt) Then
' This cell finished
RowSrcCrnt = RowSrcCrnt + 1
Debug.Assert RowSrcCrnt < UBound(SrcData) ' Last set not terminated
Exit Do
' Have found first character of next token
Pos2Spaces = InStr(PosCrnt, DataCrnt, " ")
If Pos2Spaces = 0 Then
' Everything up to end of cell is last token of cell
InxTA = InxTA + 1
' Trim to remove trailing single space
TokenArray(InxTA) = Trim(Mid(DataCrnt, PosCrnt))
' This cell finished
RowSrcCrnt = RowSrcCrnt + 1
Debug.Assert RowSrcCrnt <= UBound(SrcData) ' Last set not terminated
Exit Do
' Everything up to 2 spaces is next token of this cell
InxTA = InxTA + 1
TokenArray(InxTA) = Mid(DataCrnt, PosCrnt, Pos2Spaces - PosCrnt)
PosCrnt = Pos2Spaces + 2
End If
End If
Loop ' until end of cell
Loop ' until end of set
Debug.Assert InxTA > 0 ' Empty set
' Discard unused entries
ReDim Preserve TokenArray(1 To InxTA)
RowSrcCrnt = RowSrcCrnt + 1 ' Step over dividing row
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Sub parser()
Dim N As Long, wf As WorksheetFunction
Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction
N = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
For i = 1 To N
ary = Split(wf.Trim(Cells(i, "A").Text), " ")
k = 2
For j = LBound(ary) To UBound(ary)
Cells(i, k).Value = ary(j)
k = k + 1
Next j
Next i
End Sub