无法发送网址作为' href'在mandrill中链接

时间:2014-04-06 09:49:44

标签: javascript node.js urlencode mandrill

我尝试使用来自node js API的mandrill发送邮件。

只要我保留了我的' downloadLink'我就成功发送了以下内容。免于危险的'字符如:' /'和'?'


    var downloadLink =(encodeURIComponent('itms-services://c')
    var text  = [
        "We are excited to send you a version of our app",
        "You can download it here: <a href=\""+downloadLink+"\">link</a> thats it.",

    var message = {
        "html": text,
        "subject": "New App!",

        "from_email": "Hello@d.com",
        "from_name": "D Guys",
        "to": [{
                "email": mail,
                //"name": "Recipient Name",
                "type": "to"
        "headers": {
            "Reply-To": "message.reply@example.com"
        "important": false,
        "track_opens": true,
        "track_clicks": true,
        "auto_text": null,
        "auto_html": false,
        "inline_css": null,
        "url_strip_qs": null,
        "preserve_recipients": null,
        "view_content_link": null,
        "tracking_domain": null,
        "signing_domain": null,
        "return_path_domain": null,
        "merge": true,

删除&#39; /&#39;来自&#39; downloadLink&#39;的字符确实有效。

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