
时间:2014-04-06 00:04:57

标签: ubuntu nasm

我正在尝试编译以下代码。问题是它没有编译。 我使用lubuntu和sublime text2,我从终端编译。我使用NASM。但我不知道是否有相关的语法。请帮帮我。

MOV AX, CS              ; Load Segment Registers 
    MOV DS, AX 
    MOV ES, AX 


; Welcome 

    MOV AH, 4                               ; CLS 
    INT 21h 

MOV SI, MSG_Welcome 
MOV AH, 1 
INT 21h 

INT 16h 

CMP AL, '0' 
JE SHORT End_Program 

CMP AL, '1' 
JE SHORT StartGame1 

CMP AL, '2' 
JE SHORT StartGame2 

CMP AL, '3' 
JE SHORT StartGame3 



    MOV AH, 4                               ; CLS 
    INT 21h 

MOV AH, 0 
INT 21h 


MOV AX, 1 
MOV [Speed], AX 
JMP SHORT StartGame 


MOV AX, 2 
MOV [Speed], AX 
JMP SHORT StartGame 


MOV AX, 3 
MOV [Speed], AX 
JMP SHORT StartGame 


MOV AH, 1 
MOV CX, 10280               ; Disable Coursor 
INT 10h 

; Init Player 1 Position 

MOV BYTE [PosPlayer1], 9 
MOV BYTE [LastPlayer1], 9 

; Init Player 2 Position 

MOV BYTE [PosPlayer2], 9 
MOV BYTE [LastPlayer2], 9 

; Init Ball Position 

MOV BYTE [XPos], 39 
MOV BYTE [LastX], 39 

MOV BYTE [YPos], 12 
MOV BYTE [LastY], 12 

; Init Direction of Ball 

MOV BYTE [DirectionX], 1 
MOV BYTE [DirectionY], 1 

    MOV AH, 4                               ; CLS 
    INT 21h 

; Print Game Screen 

CALL PrintPlayer1 
CALL PrintPlayer2 
CALL PrintBall 


    PUSH CX 


    MOV AL, [XPos] 
    CMP AL, 4 
    JB NEAR .CheckPlayer1 
    CMP AL, 75 
    JA NEAR .CheckPlayer2 


    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    CMP AL, 2 
    JB NEAR .PosYDirection 
    CMP AL, 21 
    JA NEAR .NegYDirection 


    ; Check If any Player pressed a key: 

    mov ah, 01h 
    int 16h 
    jz .DoPrint 

    xor ah, ah 
    int 16h 

    CMP AL, 'w' 
    JE .SubPlayer1 
    CMP AL, 's' 
    JE .AddPlayer1 

    CMP AL, 'o' 
    JE .SubPlayer2 
    CMP AL, 'l' 
    JE .AddPlayer2 

    JMP .DoPrint 


    MOV AL, [PosPlayer1] 

    CMP AL, 17 
    JE SHORT .DoPrint 

    ADD AL, 1 
    MOV [PosPlayer1], AL  
    JMP SHORT .DoPrint 


    MOV AL, [PosPlayer1] 

    CMP AL, 0 
    JE SHORT .DoPrint 

    SUB AL, 1 
    MOV [PosPlayer1], AL  
    JMP SHORT .DoPrint 


    MOV AL, [PosPlayer2] 

    CMP AL, 17 
    JE SHORT .DoPrint 

    ADD AL, 1 
    MOV [PosPlayer2], AL 
    JMP SHORT .DoPrint  


    MOV AL, [PosPlayer2] 

    CMP AL, 0 
    JE SHORT .DoPrint 

    SUB AL, 1 
    MOV [PosPlayer2], AL 
    JMP SHORT .DoPrint  


    MOV AX, [XPos] 
    ADD AX, [DirectionX] 
    MOV [XPos], AX  

    MOV AX, [YPos] 
    ADD AX, [DirectionY] 
    MOV [YPos], AX  

    CALL PrintScreen            ; Print Game Screen 
    CALL PrintPlayer1 
    CALL PrintPlayer2 
    CALL PrintBall 

    CALL WaitTime 

    JMP ResumeGame 


    MOV BYTE [DirectionX], 1 
    JMP NEAR .IfY 


    MOV BYTE [DirectionX], -1 
    JMP NEAR .IfY 


    MOV BYTE [DirectionY], 1 
    JMP NEAR .PrintTheBall 


    MOV BYTE [DirectionY], -1 
    JMP NEAR .PrintTheBall 


    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer1] 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .PosXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer1] 
    ADD BL, 1 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .PosXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer1] 
    ADD BL, 2 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .PosXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer1] 
    ADD BL, 3 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .PosXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer1] 
    ADD BL, 4 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .PosXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer1] 
    ADD BL, 5 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .PosXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer1] 
    ADD BL, 5 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .PosXDirection 

    JMP .Player1Lost 


    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer2] 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .NegXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer2] 
    ADD BL, 1 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .NegXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer2] 
    ADD BL, 2 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .NegXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer2] 
    ADD BL, 3 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .NegXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer2] 
    ADD BL, 4 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .NegXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer2] 
    ADD BL, 5 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .NegXDirection 

    MOV AL, [YPos] 
    MOV BL, [PosPlayer2] 
    ADD BL, 6 

    CMP AL, BL 
    JE .NegXDirection 

    JMP .Player2Lost 


    MOV AH, 4                               ; CLS 
        INT 21h 

    MOV CX, 3085 
    MOV CX, 1543 
    MOV AH, 1 
    INT 10h 

    MOV SI, MSG_Player2_Lost 
    MOV AH, 1 
    INT 21h 

    MOV AH, 0 
    INT 21h 


        MOV AH, 4                               ; CLS 
        INT 21h 

    MOV CX, 3085 
    MOV CX, 1543 
    MOV AH, 1 
    INT 10h 

    MOV SI, MSG_Player1_Lost 
    MOV AH, 1 
    INT 21h 

    MOV AH, 0 
    INT 21h 


    POP CX 

    JMP DoGame 

MOV AH, 4                               ; CLS 
    INT 21h 

MOV AH, 0 
INT 21h 


INT 1Ah 



    PUSH BX 
    XOR AH, AH 
    INT 1Ah 
    POP BX 

    SUB DX, BX 
    MOV AX, [Speed] 
    CMP DX, AX 
    JB SHORT .GetNewTime 

JMP ResumeGame 


MOV DL, [XPos] 
MOV DH, [YPos] 
CALL LocateXY 
CALL PrintDummy 

MOV DL, [XPos] 
MOV DH, [YPos] 
SUB DL, 1 
SUB DH, 1 
CALL LocateXY 
CALL PrintDummy 

MOV DL, [XPos] 
MOV DH, [YPos] 
SUB DL, 1 
CALL LocateXY 
CALL PrintDummy 

MOV DL, [XPos] 
MOV DH, [YPos] 
SUB DH, 1 
CALL LocateXY 
CALL PrintDummy 

MOV DL, [XPos] 
MOV DH, [YPos] 
ADD DH, 1 
CALL LocateXY 
CALL PrintDummy 

MOV DL, [XPos] 
MOV DH, [YPos] 
ADD DL, 1 
CALL LocateXY 
CALL PrintDummy 

MOV DL, [XPos] 
MOV DH, [YPos] 
ADD DL, 1 
ADD DH, 1 
CALL LocateXY 
CALL PrintDummy 

MOV DL, [XPos] 
MOV DH, [YPos] 
ADD DL, 1 
SUB DH, 1 
CALL LocateXY 
CALL PrintDummy 

MOV DL, [XPos] 
MOV DH, [YPos] 
SUB DL, 1 
ADD DH, 1 
CALL LocateXY 
CALL PrintDummy 



; Clear Last Position of Player 

MOV DH, [LastPlayer1] 
MOV DL, 3 

CALL LocateXY 

MOV CX, 6 


    CALL PrintSpace 
    CALL PrintSpace 

    INC DH 
    MOV DL, 3 

    CALL LocateXY 
    LOOPNZ .ClearOldPos 

; Print Player 

MOV DH, [PosPlayer1] 
MOV DL, 3 

CALL LocateXY 

MOV CX, 6 

    CALL PrintBlock 
    CALL PrintBlock 

    INC DH 
    MOV DL, 3 

    CALL LocateXY 
    LOOPNZ .PrintPos 

MOV AL, [PosPlayer1] 
MOV [LastPlayer1], AL 



; Clear Last Position of Player 

MOV DH, [LastPlayer2] 
MOV DL, 76 

CALL LocateXY 

MOV CX, 6 


    CALL PrintSpace 
    CALL PrintSpace 

    INC DH 
    MOV DL, 76 

    CALL LocateXY 
    LOOPNZ .ClearOldPos 

; Print Player 

MOV DH, [PosPlayer2] 
MOV DL, 76 

CALL LocateXY 

MOV CX, 6 


    CALL PrintBlock 
    CALL PrintBlock 

    INC DH 
    MOV DL, 76 

    CALL LocateXY 
    LOOPNZ .PrintPos 

MOV AL, [PosPlayer2] 
MOV [LastPlayer2], AL 



; Clear Last Position of Ball 

MOV AL, [XPos] 
MOV [LastX], AL 

MOV AL, [YPos] 
MOV [LastY], AL 

; Print New Ball 

MOV DL, [XPos] 
MOV DH, [YPos] 

CALL LocateXY 
CALL PrintB      



MOV AH, 11 
MOV AL, ' ' 
INT 21h 


MOV AH, 11 
MOV AL, ' ' 
INT 21h 


MOV AH, 11 
MOV AL, '²' 
INT 21h 


MOV AH, 11 
MOV AL, 'Û' 
INT 21h 


; DL = X 
; DH = Y 


MOV AH, 02h 
MOV BH, 0 
INT 10h 



    PosPlayer1   DB 0 
LastPlayer1  DB 0 
    PosPlayer2   DB 0 
LastPlayer2  DB 0 

    XPos         DB 0 
LastX        DB 0 
    YPos         DB 0 
LastY        DB 0 

DirectionX    DB 0  ; -1 and +1 
DirectionY    DB 0  ; -1 and +1 

Speed   DB 0 

MSG_Player1_Lost    DB 'Player 1 lost the game!',13,10,0 
MSG_Player2_Lost    DB 'Player 2 lost the game!',13,10,0 

            DB 'This game is made for two player. The aim of the game is to bounce the ball',13,10, 
            DB 'so that it can not reach the screen boarder.',13,10, 
            DB 'Player 1 controlls his block with the Key >W< to move it upwards and >S< to',13,10, 
            DB 'move it downwards. Player 2 controlls his key with >O< for upwards and >L<',13,10, 
            DB 'downwards.',13,10, 
            DB 'The game will be terminated when a Player lost.',13,10,13,10, 
            DB 'Choose your game speed. After pressing the option the game will be started.',13,10, 
            DB ' 0 - terminate the game',13,10, 
            DB ' 1 - fast',13,10, 
            DB ' 2 - middle',13,10, 
            DB ' 3 - slow',13,10, 
            DB 'Your Option: ',0 

Dummy   TIMES 10 DB 0 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

“软盘操作系统”项目 - http://sourceforge.net/projects/fdosx86/ 在2002 - 2004年活跃。

您应该尝试使用2004年的nasm。您可以尝试从fdos.tar.gz运行nasm版本 - 从http://sourceforge.net/projects/fdosx86/files/FDOS%200.0.9/FDOS%200.0.9%20SP%204%20DE_EN_SP/下载


