在使用Emu 8086的Assembly中出现问题,跳转不起作用

时间:2014-04-05 12:00:25

标签: assembly x86-16

我刚刚开始制作用于翻转纸牌游戏的大学项目, 使用emu8086.com的模拟器





mov ah,1
int 21h

cmp al,1 or cmp al,'1'
JE or JZ  Card1



include "emu8086.inc"
; multi-segment executable file template.

data segment
     ; add your data here!
     pkey db "press any key...$"  
     data_error dw "input error....    $"
     datar db 0      ;row
     datac db 0      ;cloumn
     datacard db '1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'
     data1 dw ?
     data2 dw ?
     dataf dw "False              $"
     endapp dw "END GAME....              $"
     datat dw "True               $"
     datas db '0'
     score dw "Score : $"
     x db ? 
     y db ?  
     a db '0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0'
     data3 db 'D','B','A','O','C','C','A','B','D'


stack segment
    dw   128  dup(0)

code segment
; set segment registers:
    mov ax, data
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax

    ; add your code here

;PRINT 'Wellcom to My Flipping Game !?!'
GOTOXY 10, 5      
mov si,offset data3
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 15, 5
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 20, 5
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 10, 8
inc si
PUTC [si] 
GOTOXY 15, 8
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 20, 8
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 10, 11
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 15, 11
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 20, 11
inc si
PUTC [si] 

GOTOXY 10, 5
mov si,offset datacard
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 15, 5
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 20, 5
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 10, 8
inc si
PUTC [si] 
GOTOXY 15, 8
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 20, 8
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 10, 11
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 15, 11
inc si
PUTC [si]
GOTOXY 20, 11
inc si
PUTC [si] 

GOTOXY 25, 15             

Print 'Enter your Selection : '   

mov ah,1
int 21h

mov ah,al

cmp ah,1
JZ card1

cmp ah,2
JE card2

cmp ah,3
JE card3

cmp ah,4
JE card4

cmp ah,5
JE card5

cmp ah,6
JE card6

cmp ah,7
JE card7

cmp ah,8
JE card8

cmp ah,9
JE card9

JMP deadend

card1 :

GOTOXY 10, 5      
mov si,offset data3
PUTC [si]
JMP deadend

card2 :

GOTOXY 15, 5      
mov si,offset data3
inc si
PUTC [si]
JMP deadend

card3 :

GOTOXY 20, 5      
mov si,offset data3
inc si
inc si
PUTC [si]
JMP deadend

card4 :

mov si,offset data3
inc si
inc si
inc si
PUTC [si]
JMP deadend

card5 :

mov si,offset data3
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
PUTC [si]
JMP deadend

card6 :

mov si,offset data3
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
PUTC [si]
JMP deadend

card7 :

mov si,offset data3
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
PUTC [si]
JMP deadend

card8 :

mov si,offset data3
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
PUTC [si]
JMP deadend

card9 :

mov si,offset data3
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
inc si
PUTC [si]
JMP deadend


    lea dx, pkey
    mov ah, 9
    int 21h        ; output string at ds:dx

    ; wait for any key....    
    mov ah, 1
    int 21h

    mov ax, 4c00h ; exit to operating system.
    int 21h    

end start ; set entry point and stop the assembler.


你知道我把AL放入AH并使用它,因为我无法想象什么是错的, 但是当我在cmp中使用AL本身时它无法正常工作

没有JE / JZ的跳跃工作,只有JMP工作。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



card1 :


